Dinah's response was automatic.

DJ: Ugh, of course the Wicked Witch of the West ruins our plans. Yeah we can do next weekend. But you seriously owe me Chanch.

Me: I gotchu Cheech.

I put my phone in my back pocket and grabbed my car keys from my desk and my guitar case, putting the strap over my back. I walked out of my classroom and turned around to lock the door. I walked the now empty, deserted halls to the exit of the school.

I walked out of the building and frowned when I saw a kid sitting on the bottom step, head in his hands. As I neared I saw that it was Nicolas Jauregui.

"Nic?" I called out causing him to look up at me, frowning slightly. I saw the clear evidence of tears in his eyes and I knew he had been crying.

"Oh, hey, Miss C!" He called, quickly wiping his eyes on the sleeves of his sweatshirt.

"Have you been crying? Is everything okay? What are you still doing here?" I asked as I sat down on the step beside him, setting my guitar down on the side.

"Nah I'm all good," Nic said as he sniffled, "My dad was supposed to pick me up but uh...I guess he's not or something. I texted my mom and she said she'd be here in an hour and half. She had to deliver a cake out of town."

"That's a long time. You're just gonna sit out here all by yourself?" I asked him and he shrugged casually.

"I'm used to it. My dad did the same thing when I was in elementary school and my mom would have to come from wherever she was to pick me up."

"So your dad normally forgets you places?" I questioned and he shrugged again.

"He's too busy for me, I guess," Nic said, frowning slightly, "But its whatever. I have my mom and she's the coolest. She always remembers me."

"Well I'm glad. Dads suck sometimes, huh?"

"Your dad doesn't seem to suck. You said he was in a band and stuff and he had time for you, that's awesome," Nic said as he looked up at me.

"Yeah well when he died, I got a new dad. Now my step dad, total opposite of my biological dad. He's kind of a jerk. He wants me to be just like him," I said.

"What is he?" Nic asked.

"A lawyer," I said as I looked down at the kid, "A really successful one too. He thinks everything is just business. He doesn't believe in my passion of music or teaching. He thinks becoming a lawyer like him would have been much more practical. To him, money is everything and well I don't make much of that."

"But you love teaching, right?"

"I do," I nodded my head and Nic sat silently for a moment, looking straight ahead before looking at me.

"Do you want to be famous? You know like play music all around the world and stuff?"

"I used to want that, yes," I nodded my head a little, "I always wanted to write music that meant something to me and have it be heard by everyone. But like I said I love teaching. Connecting with kids through music is just as good, if not better than being famous."

Nic nodded again and smiled slightly.

"You know, Miss C, you're the coolest teacher I've ever had," Nic said and I chuckled a little.

"It's only been a day, Nic. Trust me, you may meet someone way cooler than me," I said.

"I don't think so," Nic shook his head quickly causing me to smile slightly. My phone rang and I pulled it out of my pocket to look at it. I frowned as I saw Ariana's Caller I.D. and immediately hit the decline button.

"Who was that?" Nic asked, looking up at me.

"Just my girlfriend."

"You're...ya know...gay?" Nic asked me. I looked at Nic cautiously, raising a single eyebrow.

"That a problem?" I asked and Nic quickly shook his head.

"No! Not at all. My mom is bisexual. She taught me that love is love," Nic said quickly.

"Well your mother is a very smart woman."

"Yeah she is," Nic grinned proudly and I could really see the love he had for his mom, "You should stay with me so you can meet her! I bet she'd love you!"

My phone dinged before I could answer Nic and I looked down at it to see a text from Ariana.

Ari💞: Your father is here, so is your mom and sister. He's asking for you. He wants to tell you the big news and you're late. Hurry up, Camila. This apart of the growing up I was just talking about. You're so childish, damn it.

I looked at the message and rolled my eyes, setting my phone down again before looking at Nicolas and flashing a small smile, "How long did you say it would take her to be here again?"

Nic smiled brightly at me and I knew I made a good choice. I'd deal with my step father and Ariana's wrath later. Right now, I'm thinking of the safety and happiness of this young boy. That's more important.

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