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Ever since Niall left me, I've been all depressed. I don't really eat, don't sleep, I haven't left the house since then. Why would Niall do this to me? We've been together for 7 years and out of the blue he packs his stuff and goes to the X Factor. He's all famous now and he don't need me, I just need to get that into my head. I get lost out my thoughts when the door bell rings, I walk to the door and open it to find my best friend Emily on the other side.

"Your mum told me. So I brought your favorite ice cream, cookie n' cream!" she says and my eyes start to water before I know it, tears are pouring out of my eyes. "Oh Hun, come here." Em says opening her arms. After she claims me down, we get spoons and go into the living room to eat the ice cream. We sit and talk for hours beyond hours, "Do you have any Tylenol? I started my period and I'm cramping." Em asks me and my eyes go wide and I freeze right there, "No no no no no!" I say getting up running into the kitchen to look at the calender, "Lin, if you don't have any-" I cut her off, "I missed my period." I say starring at the circled date meaning for my period. "What?" Em asks, "My period was suppose to happen last week and it didn't." I say looking down.

"Ok, when was the last time you and Niall did the do?" Em asks, I think about it for a minute. "No, this cant be happening." I say pulling on my hair, "Lin, answer my question!" Em yells getting frustrated, "A couple days before he left, and we didn't use protection." I say the last part quietly, "I'm going to go get a test. Stay right here." Em says putting her coat on, for it being January.

I walk into the living room, still in shock. I'm 18 years old, I'm not suppose to be having a baby. I should be going out with friends and not taking care of a baby. "Please Lord, I'm begging. I don't want to be pregnant. Please, I don't need this in my life as of right now. Just please." I pray. Em walks through the door into the living room. "Good Luck. I'll be waiting in here if you need anything." Em says when she hand me the box with the test.

I walk into my bathroom and open the box. After reading the instructions, I pee on the stick. I pull out my phone and set a timer for 3 minutes, it was the longest 3 minutes in my life. The alarm finally goes off, I stand up and walk to the sink. I close my eyes and pick up the test, "Ok, on the count of 3. 1....2...3." I say and uncover my eyes. I look at the test to see a + . I start crying, Emily burst through the door and sees me. "What did it say?" she asks, I look at her through my watery eyes. "I'm pregnant."

Landree Renee HoranWhere stories live. Discover now