Chapter 12

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Deku's P.O.V                                                                                                                                                                       He was here, everything was leading up to this moment, All Might was going to fight me, he wasn't going to go easy on me that was a fact.

All the other pro heroes were gone, but I didn't care, they probably went to save the others but that wasn't my concern anymore, but still there was this feeling inside me, that things weren't going according to my plan, that's why I had a plan B, but plan B was just for drastic measures.

I looked at All Might, who would have thought that my idol soon changed to someone I despised and now is the one I'm going to fight, a fight to the death. His eyes were glowing as he steadied himself, powering up his quirk, he was going to start with an impact attack.

No one's P.O.V                                                                                                                                                                       All Might launched at Midoriya, his fist clenched ready to punch but almost immediately Midoriya deflected the attack with a whirlwind quirk, All Might was pushed to the back.

The two then ran towards each other, Midoriya attempted to attack All Might with his tail and decided to send that force with a mini whirlwind atttack but All Might caught Midoriya by the wrist and flung him to the other side sending Midoriya crashing against the wall.

All Might ran, Midoriya staggered, he then used big fist and smashed it on the floor sending a massive vibration, the ground cracked, as All Might lost his balance, Midoriya used that opening and his body then turned into steel as he kicked All Might.

"You're pretty smart, kid," All Might chuckled as he shakily stood up, wiping away the blood on his cheek, preparing for another attack,

"Texas smash," Midoriya said "You're stance is evident enough that you're preapring for a texas smash, don't even try, even without a quirk I can predict your moves and easily think of a quirk to either deflect it or withstand it," He chuckled.

"Wow, you're something else," All Might said in wonder, "Why? why would you waste such intellect, such potential on evil."

"Why? why you ask? it's because this world is disgusting, it's sickening, there is no classification between good and evil anymore, because everything is not what it seems. Friends can be foes, kindness is manipulation, help is revenge and the people you look up to turn out to be fake, if everything is already not what it seems, why bring a change?" His voice was shaking.

"This world doesn't deserve it because whenever you are different things never turn out in your favour. I was quirkless, I was the odd one out and everyone was against me," His voice cracked

"The world is greedy, the world is controlled by desire, that is how it works. All Might, there is no point in doing good in a world that is unjust. You are unjust! Everyone here is unjust! Which is why I'll change it! I'll be like everyone else but yet different," Midoriya yelled, a new fire burned through him, as a number of his quirks sparked up randomly.

"And it all starts by killing you," He whispered as he suddenly launched at All Might,

Using a fusion of big fist, vibration and whirlwind he punched All Might and before he could even react, Midoriya punched him again and again and again from different angles and then using magnetism, vibration and whirlwind he kicked All Might in the stomach.

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