Chapter 1

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"All Might's words were ringing in my ears. My idol, the one person I looked up to, the one person I aspired to be, told me that I couldn't achieve my goal. I'll show him, I'll show everyone, I'll be something better, I'll crush all of them and I'll prove them wrong."

Todoroki's P.O.V

Everything went quiet, the lights dimmed out and then we heard his voice "Hello everyone, don't attempt anything unwanted or else you might be on the brink of death before you know it, just like my dear Kacchan." His voice didn't sound sinister, it was cold, slow and calculated with a hint of sarcasm, it creeped up on us, chilled us to the core, it silenced everyone in an instant.

Suddenly I heard a piercing scream from the back and then the lights flickered back to life. All of our heads turned to face the direction of the scream, sprawled on the floor in a pool of blood, was Aoyama, and that was when havoc broke loose.

UA students and the rest of the people present were running towards the exit. I just stood there, taking in everything, trying to find my classmates. I had to find them, we couldn't get out of this situation easily. "Todoroki, follow my lead, don't ask any questions" Yaoyorozu whispered from behind, I obeyed. She lead me to a room at the back and immediately closed the door.

Tsuyu, Iida, Kaminari and Jirou were there too. This was the control room, the four of them were in-charge of the lighting and other stage effects. "You were the only one I found in the crowd, and we need to gather enough people to figure out this situation." Said Yaoyorozu . I just nodded, trying to keep track, everything was happening so fast. "I don't believe it, I don't choose to believe it, it's not in his nature, he would never....I jus...I can't" Iida's voice trembled, his fists clenched. I understood how he felt, Midoriya, a traitor, he of all people was who I least expected to be a villain.

The room was silent, everyone felt betrayed. "Where's Uraraka?" I asked, "She probably can't register what's happening right now," said Jirou softly. "Wait! Doesn't that mean, she might have gone off looking for Midoriya, she's desperately clinging on to the hope that there might be some good in him," said Kaminari. "We all are," said Yaoyorozu  "but trying to change Midoriya right now isn't the best course of action, we need to escape first, we need backup, for all we know, the entire league of villains could be here." This was true, trying to fight off all the villains right now would be pointless.

"What about Uraraka? She could be in danger," said Iida "She knows how to handle this, I believe in her, I don't think she'll act recklessly," Tsuyu said gently "Plus, maybe just maybe, Midoriya might have a soft spot for her." Everyone smiled mildly, what Tsuyu said was kinda true.

"Alright then! What's the plan Yaomomo?" Kaminari said as he clapped his hands together. All of us faced her, her expression was calm and composed, she took a deep breath, "Okay, right now we need to focus on escaping, judging by the chaos outside, we could blend in with the crowd and make our way to the exit but that plan is risky so instead we need...." She was cut off by Jirou "Hey wait, there's no more screams outside,"

My body stiffened, my heart was pounding fast, we couldn't stay in this room forever, there was no escaping this situation, we had to open the door, it was now or never. I hesitated, took a deep breath and headed towards the door, I looked at everyone, their faces were masked with fear and tension, Yaoyorozu gave me a nod of approval.

This felt like the slowest ten seconds of my life, I stepped towards the door, my palms were sweaty as I placed it on the handle, the contact between my hand and the cold metal sent a chill down my spine, my heartbeat felt slow and heavy, I pushed the handle down gently, the door creaked open a bit, my hands trembled as I let go of the handle, I saw a streak of green sparks, the door opened.

No one's P.O.V

Everyone gathered at the entrance of the door, their eyes wide with fear at the scene that lay before them, trembling, unable to move, a wave of nausea washed over them and then suddenly, from the darkness he approached, his green sparks illuminating the already disturbing sight that had made the group rooted to the ground.

He laughed, his green eyes wide and crazy, he slow clapped, his clap the only form of noise as it echoed from every corner, "All of you survived! What a pleasant surprise, since you made it this far, I'll spare the joy of killing each and everyone of you at once so instead lets play the game 'Who dies first?' The rules are simple, we battle each other, the four of you against me, the last one standing gets to live, sounds fun right! Let's play!"

So yeah!! That was my first chapter, hope you liked it, maybe it's a bit dramatic but hey! Who doesn't like a bit of drama and cringe here and there.

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