Chapter 11

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Uraraka's P.O.V                                                                                                                                                                     I had to move, I couldn't let anyone die, I couldn't let Momo fight Deku on her own. I was tied, yes, but there was nothing special about the knot, I could easily untie myself.

The both of them we're screaming, I undid the knot, I tried standing up, my knees trembled, I composed myself.

You can't be weak Ochako, it's now, there's no more waiting, gather up all your strength, you are not a weakling.

I stood up shakily, my knees trembling as I slowly made my way to the both of them, but I felt weak, empty, something was wrong.

I tried using my quirk but nothing happened, it didn't work. How was that even possible.

Does Deku have something to do with this, but that's impossible, how can he remove quirks permanently, oh wait....

He stole it, he stole my quirk, I was mad, mad not just because he stole my quirk but because I wasn't strong enough to stop him. My mind felt hazy, one minute I knew Deku could steal quirks next minute I was clueless, everything was spiraling out of control.

Until everything clicked when I heard a scream, it was Momo's. Not a battle cry but a scream of pain.

I tried moving my feet but then I fell, I tried over and over again, I felt lightheaded, but no matter what I wasn't going to give up.

"YAOYOROZU!!!" It was Todoroki's voice and then almost immediately I heard the clanging of ice on the walls, Todoroki was going all out.

"Oh, I'm sorry did I hurt your 'girlfriend'" I still couldn't believe that Deku was saying this.

"SHUT UP YOU MONSTER!!" Todoroki screamed.

"Oh, so this is how your voice sounds like when you scream, hate to admit it but I thought it would sound better, I guess I shouldn't have high expectations," Midoriya cackled.

"Kirishima, help her!" Todoroki yelled, when suddenly there was another crash.

I crawled my way to the battle ground and hid behind a few boxes, the reason behind the crash was that the pro-heroes had arrived.

"Kirishima, take her to recovery girl, she's on the other side, we'll handle this," It was Aizawa sensei.

"Finally, I have worthy opponents," Deku said smirking.

"I'll deal with him," All Might's voice was low.

"Look who decided to play the role of a hero," Deku said as his expressions turned dark.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault, I take blame for it entirely..." All Might was cut off,

"STOP! Just stop, stop trying to be someone you're not, it makes me sick, there's nothing you can say or do that will bring about any change here, we fight and that's FINAL!!!" Deku yelled.

The other heroes backed away, they knew what was coming, it was also a good opportunity to get the other students, if they were still there that is.

"If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get," All Might said.

Deku smirked,

"This is going to be fun indeed."

I'm so sorry, this is a really short chapter, probably the shortest I've ever written but that's because the next chapter is going to be MASSIVE!!!

I'll probably post the new chapter within the next two days, since this chapter is like really short. So yea, once again I'm really sorry for the disappointing chapter. Sorry for the typos as well.

K byeeeeee.

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