Dare for Jason & Pandora (and secretly Travlyn)

Start from the beginning

Jason: What is it?

Pandora: I mean, it would help a lot.

Jason: Hm?

Pandora: But... I don't know...

Jason: Just say the damn dare.

Pandora: theishfudge87 dares us to... hug and make up for bad times.


Katelyn: This is kinda fun. *she giggles*

Travis: D'you think they're still fighting?

Katelyn: I dunno but I don't want to go out there either way.

Travis: What do you mean?

Katelyn: It's nice just to finally be alone.

Travis: I'm still here.

Katelyn: I'm alone with you. We can be alone together.

Travis: I... I wouldn't mind that.

~Awkward Silence~

Katelyn: So what do you want to do?

Travis: Well... *he gives Katelyn that look like 'you thinking what i'm thinking? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'*

Katelyn's face turns pink and her eyes become diluted. Her voice, however, stays calm.

Katelyn: I don't want you trying anything on me, okay?

Travis: Just a little kiss? Pretty pwease? *he makes puppy eyes*

Katelyn makes a face mixed of annoyance and guilt.

Katelyn: Oh, alright.

Not in the Closet

Jason: Hug and make out? A-are they serious?

Pandora: No, no. Make up.

Jason: Oh.


Wait, but still! I can't do that!

Pandora: Tell me about it. Too many things you have to recall to apologize about. Just do whatever feels natural.

Whatever feels natural...

The words swirl around Jason's brain as he digests them. What feels natural is beating everyone who ever hurt him's brains into their intestines because edge. He sits there, wondering. Pandora is patient, just idling and waiting. After a few minutes, Jason finally speaks.

Jason: Hey, could everyone leave the room? I've got some personal stuff to deal with.

Lucinda: I thought the whole point of truth or dare was to watch the dared people do the dares, not to wait in some kitchen. Sure, sometimes you let us look through the wall but usually we just have to wait.

Jason: Get in the goddamn kitchen or I'll shoot you because edge.

Lucinda: Geez, harsh.

They all file into the kitchen, most somewhat annoyed. Once Jason is sure the door is shut and nobody can hear him, he begins.

Jason: I have doubts. I make mistakes. I'm not perfect. I feel like you've realized that from living with me as a friend since college. Wouldn't you agree?

Pandora slowly nods, her eyes invested in the apology.

Jason: I... have a problem. Hell, I have problemS. Way too many of them. I'll flirt with people to flex my good side. I'll act perfect and self confident just so other people see me that way. I'll even manipulate people's view on life so they'll fall for me because I'm afraid of objection. You've... stuck with me through all of that. There's no doubt you're a really, really strong person. The best part? You're still empathetic. Usually it's one or the other, either strong and rude or sensitive and empathetic. You can be both. That's so rare.

Pandora smiles.

Pandora: While I appreciate all the compliments, this isn't to compliment me. It's just to apologize.

Jason: Right, I was getting to that. You've dealt with my shit the entire time I've been here. I want to thank you and apologize. I'm clearly not a good person and you know that. I want to say sorry for everything I've done. So I'm... sorry.

Pandora: I... accept your apology.

Jason: Oh yeah, we're supposed to hug.

Pandora: Right... um...

They awkwardly kind of wrap their arms around each other then quickly let go and step back.

Jason: *Clears throat in awkwardness* alright, that's that then. I'll tell them to come on in—

Katelyn and Travis emerge from the closet, both of them giggling.

Katelyn: I think Jason has a soft side, doesn't he, Travis?

Travis: I can't say I disagree.

Jason: WHAT!?

Pandora: Ohhh shit.

Travis: There's a new loverboy in town and his name is Jason Graceffa~

Jason breaks an empty bottle of beer on the wall and holds the bottle neck in an attack position.

Jason: GET BACK HERE, TRAVIS! *he chases Travis around the room, sharp bottle in hand*

Pandora to Katelyn: How much of that did you hear?

Katelyn: All of it. *she chuckles*

Pandora: Oof. Don't tell anyone else. Promise?

Katelyn: I will promise but... this is some pretty good blackmail. For now though, I'll keep his secret.

Pandora: Good enough for me.

Travis is sprinting everywhere, Jason right on his tail.

Pandora: Well folks, can't say there's much else to add. Let's just hope if Jason murders Travis, he'll wait to do it off-chapter.

Travis: AHH, Katelyn, help, help, help!

Katelyn: Oh, you can handle it.

Travis: Whyyyy T~T

Pandora: Yeah, better end it. As always,

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