Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

As the train pulled up I looked for Adam. He was my best friend but I hadn't seen him since last school year. Living with my parents here in New Zealand was convenient but Adam lived all the way in America! I'm surprised he didn't go to Swarmington School for Boys which was in Canada. But his parents insisted he go to Hogwarts.
"Belle!" I turned to see him. I knew his voice from anywhere. He was huge! He had to have grown six inches at least!
"Oh my god!" I ran over to him and jumped in his arms. He hugged me tightly and spun me in circles.
"How have you been?" He asked setting me back down. I came just to his chest.
"Good, I'm ready to get back to school!" I laughed holding his hand.
"All Aboard!!" The conductor yelled. I nodded to Adam as he pulled me toward the cherry red train.
We went up and down the train looking for a place to sit. Most were full of groups of friends from different houses. Many of the Ravenclaws sat in the back. They would put together study groups to get a head start on the term.
Finally we found a small cabin near the front of the train. I sat next to him and put my head on his shoulder. He shut the door halfway.
"I missed you," I sighed.
"I missed you too," he laughed as he reached into his pocket. He handed me a small silver box.
"What's this?"
"Open it!" I slowly undid the wrapping. I opened the box to find a necklace. I looked at his smiling face. It was a silver and blue locket. I opened it and it was a picture of the two of us. I was kissing him on the cheek, it was last Christmas.
"Look on the back," he whispered. I turned it over to see an engraving, "I love you ~A"
"Aww, I love you too, Adam!" I exclaimed hugging him.
"Look who it is," someone said from behind me. I released Adam and turned to find Megara. Her head popped through the little opening in the door. She liked Adam, always had. She was in Slytherin. She flipped her green scarf around her neck and looked back to her friends, Drizella and Elsa.
"It's the beautiful couple," she snickered. I rolled my eyes.
"Just leave us alone," Adam whispered sternly. She laughed and walked away down the train. I followed them, wishing they didn't hate me so much. Adam was honestly my only friend but I wish I had girl friends sometimes...
"Anyway," Adam said reaching over me to close the door all the way. He pulled the curtain down so no one could see in. He pulled my face close to his. We put our foreheads together. I looked into his crystal blue eyes.
"I love you, Belle..." She smiled. We always told each other we loved each other. We were best friends and not afraid to say how we felt. I was about to repeat it but I got cut off. His lips were on mine. They felt hot. He had his hands cupping my face. Did Adam love me more then friends? That's all we've ever been?
"Adam," I pulled away slowly. I didn't want to stop the kiss because in truth, I loved it. But I was confused.
"I know," he chuckled, "it's a lot to take in. But all summer I've been thinking about it...I've been in love with you since the moment I met you. But I won't kiss you until you tell me to, okay?" I bit my lip and smiled. I turned his face and gave him a slow kiss on the cheek.
Was this real life? In truth, I did have a big crush on Adam but I was always afraid it would ruin our friendship. We had always been each other's rock. I never had eyes for anyone but him and I now know he felt the same way. Our peers didn't think we were weird, but different. We kept to ourselves and we were okay with that. Adam and I didn't associate with others only because we didn't want to give up each other's company. And if that makes me selfish, I didn't care. Adam was all mine and I loved it.
"So how was your summer?" He asked leaning back against the window. He put his legs on my my lap.
"I wrote you all about it," I giggled. I had written Adam almost 50 letters this summer. I had traveled to a small town in England to practice my magic. My mother wants me to be the first female head master of Hogwarts, but I had a long way.
"I know," he huffed closing his eyes, "Did you meet fun people?"
"Honest answer?" He nodded, "No...I missed you too much..." He smiled without opening his eyes.
"Love you, Belle," he whispered. I think he was about to fall asleep. I laughed and leaned back, putting my my legs in the opposite direction as his. I stared at his muscular features as I slowly fell asleep.

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