0.0 Prologue

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Lorelai was sitting in on her bed, concentrating on reading the latest letter her brother, William, sent her, this time from Japan. He was travelling the world, inventing new and affordable tech to help people, much like his step mother used to do. A voice startled Lorelai, she jumped up and out of bed to investigate where it was coming from. Something felt wrong, deep in her gut she knew something was out of place, but she didn't know what, as she walked through the halls of the Queen mansion everything looked so normal but yet so out of place. She traveled further down the corridor and then down the steps until she found herself standing outside the closed sliding wooden doors of the dinning room. She could hear whispering from the other side, and the feeling in her gut became amplified. Lorelai Queen had always been someone who could feel when something good was going to happen but more commonly when something was going to go terribly wrong, it was one of the qualities that made her such a good candidate to lead her team of friends in their mission to save their cities. But right now in this moment she felt the crushing weight of impending doom, but also the worst feeling of deja vu, like this had happened before.

The hushed whispers became more frantic until they were just gone, completely silent, she heard a window open and some rustling from the other side, not wasting another second, Lorelai grabbed the closest thing to her that she could use as a weapon and cautiously entered the dinning room. Most would feel silly walking into a room of potential danger armed with only a cup of cheap pens but Lorelai wasn't in the least bit worried about her ability to defend herself with the unlikely weapons. As she entered the lights flashed on and about 13 people jumped out of wherever they were hiding. Out of instinct Lorelai threw the unbalanced pen like it was a professional throwing knife and with the accuracy of the former as well. Only after did she realize it was a mistake but luckily her target was her father and with his training, Oliver was able to anticipate and avoid the attack.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" All of them yelled simultaneously.

"And happy Halloween too..." Curtis mumbled, after everyone was done. Looking around, Lorelai saw the room was decked out in Halloween decorations and there was a cake on the large oak dinning table that said 'happy birthday Lorelai'.

"You owe me a $50," William told Nora West-Allen, the daughter of Iris and Barry, also one of Lorelai's closest friends.

Nora frowned, "I didn't think she'd actually try to kill us,"

"Optimism is a weakness." Will said in a sing song sort of tone.

"William leave Nora alone, and Lorelai, come make a wish." Felicity told her daughter excitedly, the bottle-blonde woman had barely looked like she'd aged a day past the year 2018, the only sign of her life experience being the worry lines and old scars littering her skin. It was a trait most of the old team had, none looked much older than 30 years old, when most of them, with the stress they'd dealt with should have looked long past 80.

Bending down Lorelai smiled, closing her eyes and thinking of a wish to make, as childish as it was, but only seconds later, once she thought of one, she blew out the candles. But no matter how happy she should have been that nagging feeling like everything was about to go horribly wrong returned.

There was a crash and a grunt, Lorelai immediately opened her eyes. But when she did the scene before her was anything but happy. The air in the room had gone stiff and the strong sent of iron filled the room, looking around she watched as everyone she loved was mercilessly slaughtered before her and there was nothing she could to about it, she was paralyzed. Helpless. Frozen. She was being held back by an inhuman force. And then everything started to fade away, it went from living in the scene to feeling like she was watching it from behind a glass wall, the screams of her family soon fading with the picture.

She felt her world crash down before her, and let out an almost inhuman sounding scream, one that might even put a canary cry to shame.

The next thing she felt after the darkness fell was this constant nagging in her side like she was being poked by an invisible entity. She could hear someone whispering her name, telling her to wake up.

And then she did.


Hope you enjoyed the prologue, don't worry it will make more sense later obviously, about to work on chapter one next.
This book will follow the flash and arrow but obviously for plot purposes their will be other side plots and things that are completely different from the show, but don't worry I will make sure not to leave any huge plot holes. (By the way like with all my books if their are mistakes, edits will be made every 5 chapters)

But anyway, I hope this wasn't shit,
Don't forget to;
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[Posted Nov. 2nd]

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