You see, having wings, means everyone of us wants to have a day where we're just sitting around, preening and taking care of others wings, and not having to do anything, but still being in contact with other people. I only ever had Uncle, since mom left when I was so young and Firelord spent his with Azula. Lu Ten use to make it a snuggling game, and we'd snuggle while watching the turtle duck pond, but then he died and I didn't see Uncle for months, so I found a way to deal with being alone on the days where the Urge to mess with someone else's wings came along. It's not a healthy way and it made my wing worse, especially since I was trying to save Uncle pain the first few months after I was banished, but he eventually caught me and started to search for me every Urge day, memorizing when mine was.

My way, had been to rub my wings with cloths, (wash cloths)to get a feeling similar to someone else's hand, while still cleaning and fixing my feathers, but that was damaging them and Uncle could see it. He hated it and demanded I stop when he found me, throwing the cloth and burning it to ash. Then, he had fixed my feathers, and I will admit, I melted, because at that point it had been nearly a year since I shared an Urge day with someone. Now, here I am, back at step one, with no way to deal with this. So, what should I do? Uncle would have advice, but he's not here and I doubt he'd talk to me, even if he was here. I hurt him sooo bad and I did it in such a way.... I wouldn't mind if he did, because I would deserve it. Just like I deserve many other things. I hear someone land and turn in surprise to see who's come to see me, and weakly smile when a fiercely parental glare is leveled at me from blue eyes.

"And what, Zuko, do you think you're doing up here? You need to join us. I know this is the day where you especially need to."

I blink in surprise -how did he know?- before I sigh and go back to watching the sky.

"There's no point. I've been here about two months and had two days, but none of the others have noticed. They have these days set up for everyone else's Urge days, but they never asked for mine, and I don't think I'd be welcomed, so I haven't bothered them. I leave and be by myself on these days. Beside, the younger ones don't realize what missing touch with others on Urge day does to someone. The others might,but with the way things are going, it's a 50-50 chance."

"Well, I am not leaving you up here alone, especially since I know you've missed the last two months. I am going to be here for you today and you can't stop me."

I go to argue, tell him his kids will get suspicious, but I only moan when he starts to comb his fingers through my feathers. I haven't felt someone's hands on my wings in forever, and since my shadow wing loves this too,it turns real enough to be pet and messed with. I shudder as he messes with one of the glands, but sigh as he massages the oil into my hurting, burning base and every other part of my wings, since he knows pretty well what not touching or being near others for Urge day does. If you miss an Urge day, you're wings start to degrade and fall apart. If you miss enough, the wings become useless. And it's not a painless process. The owner feels every muscle, every tendon, and feather and strand of leather or substance fall apart and disapppear, which isn't a nice tingly feeling, let me tell you.

"Hakoda.... you need to go...nnngh.... the kids will get suspicious if you don't show up. While I enjoy the company and would love to join you, I would rather not have hate filled glances aimed at me, or disturbed, fearful, etc. Urge day is a vulnerable day, and they wouldn't want the enemy sleeping in their home to see them on days like these. Besides, while this is nice, I would rather not have more untrustworthiness placed on my head. Or disappointment. Or failure. So, please head back to the oth- ngghmah! Hurts, stop it, ahhhh.... please.... stop....."

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