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As the young, red haired girl walked down the forgotten ally onto her once joyful and caring street, she cautiously looked around with her pale blue eyes that shimmered in the dimly lit moonlight. A powerful scrap was heard behind
her like knifes being sharpened against each other before a butcher would cut up the meat that decorated his shop window, the mistress walked faster not wanting to be another victim, to the person they would call midnight killer due to the mysterious killing done at the witching hour, so far 17 young children's corpses have been found located in ally's throughout the neighbourhood, after being raped and beaten with multiple stab wounds in the children's once clean skins now turned into a bleeding pile of parts with severed limbs decorating the child's funeral as if they were banners at a child's party.

She continued to walk down the cobble stone streets as the scraping sound was becoming louder as the rain now started pouring, Natalie left the eerie ally as the first path to the street was located escaping her stalker, the petit girl ran down the street trying to escape the path and the person chasing her down the darkened roads only lit by the single street light.

A figure was now clearer to see as something shined brightly in their left hand, the now terrified girl screams and runs faster than she ever has before as the predator chases her. "Natalie come back" shouts a deep masculine voice behind her the female ran as she started to figure out who this masked figure really was....

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. Just something for a bit of fun not my best pics of work but I'll be editing my stories and improving them as time progresses and I progress as a writer. I need to add in more techniques and expand my vocabulary, which I will be doing in the future when updating my work. If you have any ideas on how I can improve my work please message me or leave it as a comment.

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