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"Yoongi, Should I wear this one?" Jimin asked, gliding into their shared bedroom.
He was wearing a silky lavender button up, along with a pair of tight black jeans. It was a pretty simple look compared to some of Jimin's other outfits, yet it had Yoongi's eyes widening with every step Jimin took.

"It looks.. nice" Yoongi trailed off, looking Jimin up and down and letting his eyes linger on the younger boys chest a little longer than he meant to.

Of course, he still had a flower tucked behind his ear. It was a violet azalea that matched nicely with his shirt.

"What were you gonna wear? you barely ever wear that leather jacket I bought you, and I think it looks really nice on you" Jimin blushed slightly, although he tried to cover it with a gentle smile, Yoongi could see through it and responded by flashing Jimin a gummy smile of his own.

"I guess I'll wear that, since you like it so much" He teased the younger boy, then pulled himself up off their bed. Jimin padded over to the full body mirror in the corner of their room and sank down infront of it with a thud. He grabbed his makeup bag, which usually sat by the mirror, and rummaged through it until he finally pulled out a slender eyeshadow brush.

Yoongi stepped into their bathroom, pouting slightly at his reflection.
He tugged gently on his slightly wavy hair, wishing he had showered earlier instead of napping. He combed through it and styled it to the best of his ability before spraying practically a whole can of dry shampoo onto it, then began washing his face.

"Yoongi?" He heard Jimin shouting from their bedroom as he rubbed his face into the towel and replied with a loud 'Hmm?'

"What eyeshadow should I wear? Purple or Grey?" He questioned the older boy, although Yoongi barely wore makeup, and had no idea what looked good and what didn't. He thought for a minute before replying to the younger boy.

"I think purple would be nice"

Jimin was silent, then began giggling to himself. Yoongi walked into the room with a confused look on his face as the giggles echoed through their apartment. His eyes met Jimin's softer ones and he noticed they had deep, grey eyeshadow blended perfectly around the outer corner of his eyes, although his eyes were barely visible as his face was scrunched up into a smile.

"Why did you ask my opinion if you already had it done!" Yoongi giggled, smiling widely as he approached Jimin, who was still on the floor. He reached a hand out him and Jimin grabbed it gingerly and allowed Yoongi to pull him up so their chests were pressed together.
Their faces were inches away from each other as they locked eyes. Yoongi could feel Jimin's breath against his lips as his hands moved down to the slightly smaller boy's waist. The silk of his shirt was cool against his fingertips as his hand settled delicately on Jimin's lower back.

Jimin smirked a little, before moving his face closer to Yoongi's.
Their lips connected in a weak kiss and they stayed like that for a few seconds before Yoongi pulled away, already missing the feeling of Jimin's lips against his own.

"I need to get dressed" He sighed, pressing another lax kiss against Jimin's forehead.
He pulled away from him and shuffled tiredly towards his wardrobe. He tugged the slightly creaky door open and sighed at the unnecessary amount of clothes piled in it before picking a plain white shirt to wear under his jacket, and a pair of black jean's, similar to Jimin's.

He shrugged on the leather jacket, it felt heavy and slightly uncomfortable and the leather was cold against his skin but he knew Jimin liked it, so he wore it anyway.
He strolled into the living room, where Jimin was nestled into the sofa while he took selfies in ridiculous poses.

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