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Lucas's P.o.V.


M: hey Lucas what's up, is something wrong?

L: y-Yeah, I think Steve might've committed s-Suicide.

M: Oh my gosh, why?

L: He sent me a text saying that he couldn't do it anymore. And that he got accepted into a college in Germany.

M: Okay, were coming, and we'll explain when we get there. Okay.

L: Wait explain what!

*Call ends*

What are they gonna explain?

I fell to my knees crying. Hoping he is, and will be okay. I'm not sure wether he went to Germany, without telling me, or committed suicide. I just need him to be okay.

They all arrive within a few minutes after wards.

"So happened?" I ask starting to get pissed, that they knew.

"Look. Lucas. He did get accepted into a college in Germany. He left already. *Checks watch* or maybe he hasn't." Says Cyrus with a confused tone.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"The planes supposed to leave, in about two hours. We could try to make there, before the plane takes off." Says Cyrus.

"Could we please?" I beg.

"Yeah, let's go." Says Cyrus, running off towards the car.

*Time Skip*

We all run off to figure out if Steve's plane has left, or not.

"B16. Wait look it hasn't taken off yet!" States Marcus.

We all starting off towards the terminal. Hopeing to make it in time. We all stand outside of the terminal looking for Steve.

"Wait, there!" Shouts Dari.

"Come on then." Says Cyrus.

We reach the desk just in time. The plane just started boarding. We all look around trying to find Steve again in the crowd of people.

I spot him a few feet away. He turns around just as I come up too him.

"Um, sorry about not telling you in person Lucas." Mutters Steve. I don't say anything just stand there staring at him.

3rd person P.o.V.

The two males just stand around staring at one another.

The flight attendant yells that the plane is now boarding.

Lucas hugs Steve.

Then let's the older male go.

"Um, see ya'around Lucas." Says Steve.

"Yea, guess so. See ya' around." Says Lucas, while beginning to cry.

"Love you Luco." Says Steve, while going to hug Lucas again.

"Love you too Steve." Says Lucas crying into the older males shoulder.

"Bye." Says Steve.

"Bye." Says Lucas.

Then without another word Steve leaves.

The plane takes off.

And The Stories Over.

Omg. The stor~ well you kinda already know that I guess.😂.
Well any ways. That is the end of "I Loved My Best friend."

I fricking loved making the story, and setting up the plot. But don't worry my Potatoes. There will be a sequel.

I'm not sure what it will be called quiet yet. But I'll post it on my page when I figure it out. Okay? Anyways





I hope you all liked the story.


Loving My Best Friend, (Steve Perez The Man Behind The CameraWhere stories live. Discover now