{3} Coming out!!!❤

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A/N yes I know there was 2 other things but those weren't chapters, they were A/N. So yee, now the story.

Previously on loving my best friend:
Steve was being a prick, (good looking prick, but still a prick is a prick non the less, also sorry to Steve) and slushied Lucas. They stopped talking for a year. Then Steve got tied of them not talking. So he arranged for Lucas to meet him behind the bleachers, and asked him out. Then they both got the living crap beat out of them. Invanita found out through Marcus (dang Marco😂), and came to the house to see if it was true.

Lucas's P.o.V

"Look Invanita I'm sorry I just...I don't know, please forgive me."

"No we're over, and I'm telling Jessica!" Shouts Invanita to Steve, and Jessica was Steve's girlfriend they've been together for one, and half years.

Yet, Steve never broke up with her, even though he was gay. Well, he never exactly told us either. We kinda guest. (it's pretty obvious that he could be gay😋)

"What do I man, she's gonna tell Jessey, I cheated on her!" Worries Steve.

"Wait what's her last name?" Asks Darius.

"Um, it was...(gahh what was it already) it's Smith."

"Oh, umm, kinda akward, but she messaged me last night, asking me out." Replys Darius.

"Well what did you say?" Asks Marcus, and Cyrus together.

"No." says Darius.

"Good." Says Steve.

Just as Steve said that the door swunge open, and revealed Jessica. She had red, puffy eyes like she'd been crying for hours, her hair a mess, and she had on a dobre crop top, black skinny jeans, and black converse that match her complexion perfectly. Darius goes over to help her, because it looks like she's going to collapse at any moment.

"What's wrong Jessica?" Asks Darius apologeticly.

"H-he c-cheated o-on m-me." Cries Jessica.

3rd person P.o.V

"You tried cheating on him first!" Says Lucas with anger in his voice as he gets up, and walks to Jessica raising his hand to slap her. Luckily enough Cyrus grabs him holding him back from hurting Jessica.

"Yo Lucas chill!" Says Marcus, coming up in front of Lucas, and placing his hands his chest to try, and calm him down.

"Fine I'm chill, I'm chill." Says Lucas turning around to sit back on the bed, the getting up quickly, and trying to hit her again. But Marcus, and Steve were already going to stop him, but then stop, as they hear a faint slapping noise. But look up when they don't hear Jessica yelp in pain. They look around for a second trying to figure out what made the noise, but stop when they look to Lucas's waist, and realize that Steve has his arm, around Lucas's waist stoping him from hitting Jessica.

"Okay, I'ma take Jessica home I'll see you in a few." Says Darius. He, and Jessica turn to leave as Jessica puts her arm, around Darius's waist.

Darius's P.o.V.

Me, and Jessica turn to leave, then I feel a arm around my waist, and realize it's Jessica.

"Um, can you move your arm please?" I ask hopeing she doesn't ask why.

"What why, would you rather me, put it lower?" Asks Jessica, with a devilish grin on her face.

"No, just get it off me!" I say starting to get irritated that she can't just move her arm.

"What, why!?" Asks Jessica.

"Because, Jessica I'm FRICKING GAY!"
"*Shocked face* what, oh my gosh I'm out, Buh bye!" Says Jessica leaving.

"Bye bish" says Lucas making us all laugh.

So hey guys, what's up?? That's the chapter hope you guys/girls like it. And also really quick I would just like apologize. Really sorry about how Lucita ended. (Extremely sorry if you ship Lucita) I do in reality love, and ship Lucita, I just ship Lusteve (lucas x Steve) more, or would it be Luceve? But also it just gets worse from here, it does from the ending of Cyrina, to demons. And everything said about Christina, and Invanita are not true I absolutely love them, and I'm happy that Cyrus, and Lucas found someone who love as much as Dobre army does.




                                                  -D.j. or M

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