Chapter One

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Y/N pov

     'I am running away. I need to get out of here' were the only things running through my mind as I packed my saddlebags. I managed to throw on some of my elder brother's old clothes that I had stolen after he left to join the redcoats. I was a part of a rich family based in Boston, but right now that didn't matter, I needed to leave. My family was very loyal to the crown but that doesn't mean that I am. Because of this fact, a huge argument erupted at dinner one night. Father insisted that I was to be married to one of his friends who is a royal officer, but with my patriotism, I highly disagreed. I wanted to aslo help in the war but was forbidden to do anything because I am a woman. I decided right then and there, that I was leaving to join the continental army. I was running to New York. There General George Washington was assembling his troops to go up against the greatest empire in the world, Great Britain.

     I finished packing and ran out to the stables, where my horse Winston, was waiting unaware of the long road ahead. I saddled him up and mounted. As we were galloping down the drive, I looked back one last time at the house of my childhood.

~~~time skip~~~~~

     It has been three days since we left Boston. Food was short and sleep was rare but my horse and I just had enough strength to make it into the next town to stop for a short rest before continuing on to New York. The stop lasted a few hours longer than expected but I was able to meet a new friend. Abigail Johanason and her husband Robert owned the tavern called the Blue Whale. They were very sympathetic to the American cause and were well known citizens in the small town of Willingston, Connecticut. I walked into their small tavern on June 15, 1776 after my first three days of riding towards New York. The tavern had a warm homey feel to it. There were only a few men stitting at a table drinking the night away. As I walked up to the bar I was greeted by a cheery voice, "Hello welcome to the Blue Whale, how may I help you?"

"Hello, er..can I just get a glass of water, please?", I responded breathlessly.

"Of course! Have a seat I'll get it right out to ya!"
"Thank you"

As the bartender turned to get the drink, I was able to get a good look around the tavern. It had only a few tables and booths around the room with the bar directly across from the door. There were a few hunting trophies hung around the main room with small plaques underneath describing the hunter and the kill.

"Here you are dearie", the cheery voice from before interrupted my thoughts.

"Thanks again miss", I replied picking up the glass if cool water.

"What brings you to these parts? Not many people pass through with no reason"

"Just headed to New York father"

"Well, good luck getting into the city, I heard that it's pretty hard these days to get in, especially if you're a Patriot"

"I've been hearin' the same things whenever I stop"

"Well good luck to ya anyway"

"Thank you Miss-"

"Johanason. Mrs. Abigail Johanason"

"Well, thank you Mrs. Johanason"

"It's getting late, would you like to board with my husband and I?", she asked.

"I don't want to be any trouble to yo-"

"Nonsense! We love having company!"

"If you say so", I responded unsure of where this would go.

"Just follow me on up the stairs and lets get you settled."

I followed Abigail up the stairs and into the small living quarters above the tavern. The quarters were partitioned off into smaller rooms to create more privacy. The biggest area in the room consisted of a table and chairs, a small kitchen, and a small fireplace that adorned the back wall.

"Let's get you settled now. Follow me dear."

"Thank you for your hospitality Mrs. Johanason."

"Call me Abigail. Mrs. Johanason makes me feel old!", she chuckled.

I nodded, "Thank you again Mrs- sorry- Abigail."

"You're welcome, Mr.-?"

"L/N, B/N L/N."

"Well then, you're welcome Mr. L/N. Here you go, it's not much but it's the best I can offer", Abigail replied gesturing toward the small bed in a small 'room' partitioned off of the main one, "Goodnight, I'll see you on the morrow",and she went down the stairs once again.

~~~~timeskip to the morning~~~~

     I woke to the sound of cursing down stairs. I sat up groaning and rubbing my eyes. I then panicked realizing that I wasn't home as this was my first time sleeping in three days. I calmed down once I gained my bearings. I then got up, tugged on my boots, and went down the stairs where I was greeted by a cheery "Good morning" from Abigail who had an untouched plate of food on the bar.

"How'd you sleep last night?"

"Very well thank you", I replied sitting at the bar in front of her.
     I looked aroung the small tavern and saw the same few men from the night before. They were all groaning and cursing from being woken up so early with massive hangovers. I then noticed the color of their coats. Blood red. They didn't seem to care that they were in a Patriot's tavern, but booze is booze, and where it comes from doesn't matter. They got up and gathered their gear as quickly as the could with their headaches, as if knowing that they would be in huge trouble if they weren't at camp before they packed up and left. They almost ran out the door and I was again alone with Abigail

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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