Ch 3: A Jackass in a Limo

Start from the beginning

Maybe...he's got a Thinker power. Can't have that. I stare at him in total silence. Before I can open my mouth to ask him how he knows that, Coil speaks. There is a flourish to his voice and words, like reciting poetry. "You see, Anubis, I am but steps away from controlling Brockton Bay's underworld."

He pauses, as if to let me register his statement. "I have some capes working for me but I'd prefer to have more. My non-powered employees are hired mercenaries. That is where you come in Anubis." I'm not sure I like where this is going. He's saying he has an army. Why me?

"You are perhaps the only cape who also has military training. In short, I want you to bridge my two groups. I'd put you in charge of a group of mercenaries and you would coordinate with my capes to complete tasks I give you." I tilt my head a bit, as though I were thinking.

"What kind of tasks?" He lounges slightly, looking a bit more relaxed, even his muscles, which are visible through his suit, seem to relax "For now? Eliminating my competition. Including, but not limited to-." I venture my guesses, interrupting Coil in the process.

"Empire Eighty-Eight? The Merchants? The ABB?" I can see his muscles tense, and I don't miss that they don't fully relax when he chuckles "You truly are one of a kind Anubis. I'm impressed." I scoff "I did my research, as any merc should do before they agree to a contract."

I see movement in my peripheral. I turn my head slightly to see a mercenary shifting uncomfortably. I do a quick sweep and see that there is only one other mercenary in here with us. They aren't threatening me. In fact, their guns are holstered.

They are sitting on either side of Coil near the doors, likely there for his protection rather than to threaten or detain me. I guess that guy didn't do his research. "Now I'm curious. What else did you find out about me?" I huff "Now where would be the fun in telling you that?"

The way his neck muscles tense tells me he didn't like that answer. I grin ever so slightly under the bandana. "Tell you what Coil, as of now, I'm liking the idea of that reimbursement you promised." Coil tenses. I guess he either wasn't expecting that, or maybe he just doesn't like my answer.

"But," Coil perked up, like a child after being told they could try again. "if you can somehow convince me that this is 1, worth my time, and 2, something I'd want in on, then I'll tell you exactly what I found out and where I learned it." I drop my voice a bit, "Do we have a deal?"

You could cut the tension with a knife as silence fills the backseat of the limousine. Coil chuckles dryly "I like you Anubis. It's been a long time since someone's pulled a move like that on me. I accept." I nod. Coil is exuding an aura of confidence.

"You know, the best way to persuade someone, is to use what you know about them. So, before I begin, let's talk about what I know about you, Anubis." I tense and Buck growls. One of the mercs jumps slightly. Apparently, he forgot the dog was here.

Coil persists "Don't worry, I don't know who you really are or anything that personal." I don't believe him. "For example, I know you've had powers for close to 30 years, but no one could identify it until recently." An overestimate. I got my powers about 25 years ago.

I stay quiet, letting him speak his piece. "You're a teleporter, and a damn good one at that. But! You've never gone from inside a city, to outside the city by teleporting. Is that your limit?" Again, I don't answer. "I suppose we can discuss that later." Coil muses, seeming to not be fazed by my silence.

"Another thing to know about you is that you like to use dogs to track targets and alert you of incoming threats. I respect that. It admits to weaknesses and makes up for them." I nod slightly. "I also know that you're looking for something." I tense and Buck's neck hairs raise up.

Coil continues "It's why you don't care about the location, and why you get your dogs Search and Rescue certified. Am I right?" My left fist clenches as my right hand freezes in place on Bucks back where I was petting him. Sensing my stress, Buck growls at Coil.

He is such a good dog. I pet him a bit and exhale a long, slow breath through my nose. I can still feel Buck's tension and the vibrations from his low, barely audible growling, but it's better. Coil holds up his hands. I suppose it's an attempt to show he's not a threat but we're already past that.

"Please understand Anubis, I only say this because, in addition to the payment we agree on, I'd be willing to lend you my resources and help you find what you're looking for." Now that is a tempting offer. How long have I been looking? How long has it just been me and my dog?

The answer? Too long. But...I can't stop now. I need answers. Help would be nice. Not from him though. I don't trust him. And I'll be damned if I let this guy know how broken I truly am.


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