*Mystic Falls*

Daniel and Klaus entered the town standing before what looked like two buildings put together

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Daniel and Klaus entered the town standing before what looked like two buildings put together.

They walked up to the building "Wait isn't this the Salvatore house?" Klaus smiled "You did your homework" Daniel scoffed at the mention of this, he rather be home back in L

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They walked up to the building "Wait isn't this the Salvatore house?" Klaus smiled "You did your homework" Daniel scoffed at the mention of this, he rather be home back in L.A. than be in creepy Virginia Mystic Falls or whatever they called it. Instead of ringing the doorbell Klaus walked right in "Wow" Daniel said not amused "You people definitely don't act normal around here"

"STEFAN!!!" bellowed Klaus in uproar throughout the house. He walked into a room two chairs before a nicely out fireplace crackling, Daniel followed behind "Why is there a fireplace lit indoors when it's like a smoking ninety degrees outside" he stared at the chair, what he didn't see was the person sitting in it with a glass half empty of bourbon

 He walked into a room two chairs before a nicely out fireplace crackling, Daniel followed behind "Why is there a fireplace lit indoors when it's like a smoking ninety degrees outside" he stared at the chair, what he didn't see was the person sitt...

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The handsome figure rose from the chair emptying the glass out and resting it down before facing Daniel and Klaus Mikaelson. He smiled at Daniel immediately "You're Daniel Seavey" he said softly "Residing in L.A. with your four other mates" Daniel looked at him confused. "I know my history" he said going past Klaus "You got your hybrid Klaus, what do you want from me?"

"Why do you assume I want something" Klaus answered "I simply brought the boy here for him to see you and the town, he's only here for two days" he paused "Well for now"

"I'm in flesh and blood" he looked at Daniel. He grinned "Wow a Salvatore, cool" he said amazed. "I adore you". Klaus didn't like his comment and was disgruntled. "Where's Damon?" he asked him. Stefan looked concerned "He's with Alaric, Caroline and Elena at Mystic Grill" he forced out the word Elena and Daniel noticed this and thought girl problems. "Off we go" Klaus turned on his heels "You do know how to use your speed ability right?" Daniel rolled his eyes while Stefan looked on in amusement. "By the way my fireplace inside is just how I like it no matter the weather" he winked at him.

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