It was good that Isobel hadn't suffered from more than a nasty headache from the drug, they couldn't have afforded to stop. All the way, Alienor had been worrying about being followed, even though she knew that the man from the inn was in no way able to do so. She would only feel safe once inside the town walls, under the protection of her new husband.

The weather had turned from bad to worse in the past few hours, and she wished desperately for a hot bath and dry clothes. As they got closer, she could discern the the wide moat encircling the ramparts. The fortified city was contained in a square with large towers in the corners and many smaller in between, the outward stone battlements and earth mounds giving it an additional star shape. The river Hames ran across it, filling the moat, and boasted clever sluice gates able to block the flow and flood the surrounding lowlands. Alienor smiled to herself. The place was very safe indeed, nearly impossible to take, despite King Edward III achieving it more than a century ago.

They stopped after the tower protecting the entry of the castle, at the Northwest corner. Seagulls flew noisily over the vast expanse of grey water on her left. The Channel. Having never seen anything bigger than a lake, Alienor gawked at it, and felt a mite wary at the thought of having to travel on it. The waves seemed perilous and the smell was not very pleasant.

The Captain motioned her forward. The sentinel at the door was English and he needed her to translate.

"He wants to see our safe-conduct and collect the taxes" she informed her guard.

The Captain pulled a parchment out of his saddle bag and handed it to the soldier, who opened it upside down, nodded, and returned it. Fighting a laugh, Alienor produced the amount asked and they were allowed access.

They passed the bridge and the outside and the inside gates, entering the harbour. Many vessels were anchored, heavy cargo ships, smaller fishing boats, and two elegant three mast caravels. In the distance, the dark mass of the Risban fort and the Lancaster tower appeared through the mist, protecting the port from a repeat of the English King's conquest.

Alienor's eyes widened as she tried to embed every detail into her memory. It was just the first leg of her trip and she felt as if she had travelled the world. Her universe had been so far limited to her small area of Burgundy. Everything was so novel to her. It was exciting. And dangerous. But when it came to it, who could say for certain in the morning that they would live till the end of the day?

When they turned left on the bridge, presented their papers again, and were permitted to pass the last gate and ride into town, it was dusk. Following the instructions from the soldier, they went straight to Market Place, easy to locate below a tall watch tower, and turned left, crossing the river. At the third building on the street they dismounted. Alienor waited while the Captain climbed the few steps and knocked at the door.

The house was well maintained, wide enough, three storeys of elegant stonework with a tiled roof. Wealthy, not ostentatious. The windows were glazed, some of them with stained glass, and a warm light was coming from them. It was a very pleasant sight, her husband had good taste.

An aged manservant opened the door, and bowed to them. The Captain politely enounce Alienor's name and they were welcomed in, to their utter relief and satisfaction. The soldiers and Isobel were directed to the kitchen, across the courtyard, while Alienor was escorted to the solar, on the first floor.

She gave her damp riding coat to the servant and entered the room slowly, suddenly worried. What if her husband was a horrible man? What if he disliked her? Was he aware of her flaws?

The room was spacious and warm, with two high windows, comfortable armchairs, a large desk, beautiful tapestries, and a painted ceiling. There was only one person in it, a lean man of average size, wearing a dark blue velvet purpoynt and assorted chauses. His curly black hair reached his collar.

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