Here we go again.

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One morning, a sleep deprived Beast boy was sitting in the kitchen drinking some coffee. There were two reasons as to why he couldn't get any sleep. One was that Rowen is a night owl, the other is that he was depressed.

He was happy to be married with child, but he enjoyed being a father so much that he desperately wanted more children. After multiple attempts, they still couldn't get pregnant.

Raven had spent all night and most of the morning being despondent, claiming she didn't feel well. Suddenly, he heard his wife groaning in agony. He rushed to the bedroom to see what was wrong. "My back is killing me" She said, barely above a whisper. "Come on, let's get you to a doctor" He replies.

Raven tries her best to stand up "no, it's Saturday. I promised Rowen that we could have the party today." She says. "Rae, he's only two. He's not gonna mind waiting one more week, he's not even gonna remember any of this." Beast boy helps to carry Raven downstairs.

"But I've had to cancel three times already. What kid is gonna want a party a whole month after his birthday." She protests. "Don't worry, Starfire is on her way to baby sit" Beast boy assures her. "I hope you are the better soon Raven" Starfire says as they leave.

On their way to the medical center, Raven grabs a bucket and pukes into it. Last Saturday it was her pelvis that was aching, but she managed to get through it. After sitting in the waiting room for fifteen minutes, with Raven constantly throwing up, they finally see a doctor.

During examination, Raven appears to wet herself and black blood is pouring out of her vagina. "We're going to have to Transfer you to a hospital." Says Dr Lawson. In the ambulance, Raven is sweating all over, shivering and way more pale than usual. There seems to be no end to the blood.

Upon examining her vagina, the nurse makes a strange discovery. "Ms Raven, you're eight inches dilated, why didn't you say you were pregnant"

Beast boy's jaw drops "pregnant? I'm not pregnant, what?" Raven gasps. "Ten inches Ms Raven, time to start pushing." Says Nurse Funcoot. Raven groans as she pushes as hard as she can, covering the floor with black blood.

"It's a boy!" The nurse proclaims. "He's not breathing" Says the doctor. After cutting the cord, the quiet baby was taken to NICU. Beast boy is speechless.

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