Chapter 6

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When all the Eevees chose their sides, the only ones left were Zu, and Death. The Glaceon glared at Death. " Well? What do you want to be?" She asked. " An Eevee. I don't want to evolve." Death responded. " HAH! Don't want to evolve!?" The Glaceon Laughed. "Choose. Now." She growled suddenly. Death shook in fear from her. Zu saw this and wasn't going to let this Glaceon hurt his son. "Hey! If he doesn't want to evolve he doesn't have to! Just because you didn't like being an Eevee doesn't mean he doesn't!" Zu said. The Glaceon looked at him. " What do you know, Bat? Stop being as blind as a Zubat and look at reality. Just because Zubats don't get many evolutions doesn't mean Eevees don't!" That stung. Zu say back down bowing his head, defeated. "Ouch" An eevee said. Zu glared at him. The Pokemon here were jerks. If Eevees here like Death didn't have their own free will, what would an Umbreon have?

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