Chapter 3

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Espeon backed away. "Zu, I'll be back, stay with your son." As Espeon left the school, Zu wondered were he was going. When espeons green fur was invisible, a sylveon jumped in front of him. "Come with me if you don't want to be hurt!" She said. Zu snarled at her, then more eeveelutions came, shoving him away from the exit. Zu fought them, but an umbreon came and Zu was blinded by yellow light. He could feel the other eeveelutions pushing him somewhere, and then the light disappeared. He was in a cave, with Death, and there was a hole in the ceiling and a piece of wood covering the exit. There was also moss on the floor and no pawholds on the ceiling. But there was dents on the wall that looked like they were shelves. Suddenly Zu knew were he was. 'Is this a dorm!?'

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