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Izzy walked into a private office, with an open computer. She scanned her badge and the computer started up. While she waited for it to turn on, she pulled out her mostly empty file, and turned on the printer.

She typed her password and opened up S.H.I.E.L.D. records.

Agent Phil Coulson.
1 result found - Restricted

"Restricted?" Izzy whispered, confused.

Why would she not be allowed to see the file of a dead man?

Project T.A.H.I.T.I.
32 results found - 31 results restricted

"What's going on?" She muttered.

She clicked the one non restricted result, only to find it was a mislabelling and actually had to do with Project Q.U.I.L.T. which was as boring as it sounds.

Project Avengers Initiative
2 results found - 2 results restricted.

Izzy may as well be keyboard smashing at this point. She was just looking for anything and everything that could lead her to figure out what T.A.H.I.T.I. was and whether or not Phil was alive.

Project The Bus
1 result found - 1 result restricted.

Anger flooded her system, momentarily. Okay. She should check and see if everything had been restricted from her.

Agent Maria Hills
1 result found

Agent Nick Fury
1 result found

Project M.A.P.S.
1 result found

Project P.E.N.
1 result found - Classified

Okay. It was classified. Not restricted. So it was classified to everyone on her level, not just her.

Izzy quickly began printing off all of the restricted pages, so that she could remember them if she needed to later. She organized them based on importance to her -
1. T.A.H.I.T.I.
2. Phil Coulson
3. Avengers initiative
4. The Bus

She stared at the screens, blanking on what to do.

Teams and leaders
38101 results found - 1 result restricted, 286 classified.

She clicked on the one restricted team so she could see its name, and she breathed a sigh of relief. It was named - it would have been better if it wasnt, because then she would see all the names, it was names Rising Tide Takedown, which meant nothing to her.

What did mean something to her was that it was entered by a personal laptop, which, with her level 8 clearance, she could track.

"Hello, Leopold Fitz." She said, as the computer came up with results. "Who are you?" She wondered aloud.

Agent Leopold Fitz
1 result found

Izzy quickly printed off his page, then she printed off the information she could see about Rising Tide Takedown

Project Rising Tide Takedown
0 results found

"Okay..." Izzy stared. "I'm going to have to find another way in."

Izzy tucked her file back into her bag and stood up, sweeping out of the room. She bumped into Pierce on her way back and they had a lovely little chat.

Something about Pierce unsettled her. She couldn't quite put her finger on it.

Isabella FuryWhere stories live. Discover now