Mark and Alex

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The car engine rumbled about them as they stared at the dark house, lights barely flickering.

"I don't see what the big deal is." Izzy muttered, risking a side glance at Phil.

"Hes a boy. They're vile. Take it from me, I was one once."

"I dont think they're all bad. I dont think Mark is." Shrugged Izzy.

Phil took a deep breath. "Ooh boy, we're doing this. Okay, uh... Izzy... Are you using protection?" Phil looked anywhere but at Izzy.

Izzy threw her head back in laughter. "What?" She asked loudly. "Oh, my God. You think Mark and I are getting it on!" She had a bemused expression on her face.

"Shh!" Phil shushed her, glancing at the house, also trying not to laugh. "You are, though, aren't you?"

Izzy roared with laughter again.

"Stop it!" Phil hissed.

"Oh, my God, Phil, no. We're not boning."

"As much as that is a relief," Phil began, awkwardly, "Do you have to use that word? Boning?"

"What would you prefer, I have an array, theres fucking, screwing, boning one out, doing the doo dad, getting funky-"

"Am I more embarrassed than you are?" Phil asked, incredulous.

"I had this chat with dad already. This is nothing."

"Oh." Phil sighed, finally looking at Izzy, smiling at her.

"No, you dont need to worry about Mark and I getting funky... But, do you remember Anne?"

Phil threw his hands up in the air and looked away while Izzy laughed.

"Please," Phil whispered, "Tell me you are using protection."

"Condoms?" Izzy asked.

Phil groaned into his arm. "Yes, condoms."

Izzy cackled again. "Yes, we're using condoms, Phil."

"I can never look you in the eyes again." Phil said, looking up at the sky.

"Got it." Chuckled Izzy. "8th Street?"

Phil looked over at Izzy before nodding. "8th Street." Then he pulled out of the drive way.

Isabella FuryWhere stories live. Discover now