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Izzy sat in the back of the car. The man, the very strange man had given her nothing to entertain herself with, except a crayon and a paper.

Izzy was scared. She missed her dada. She missed Phil. She didnt know whi this man was, but he was scary. He was looking in every direction and he had a gun.

"Alright, sweetie." The man said. "Now I need you to... You know what I need you to do... Think real hard for me, okay? Can you do that? I need you to tell me what Project P.E.N. is. Can you tell me that?"

Izzy shook her head and squeaked again, "I dont know what it is!"

The man slammed the breaks so hard that the seat belt flung into Izzys shoulder would bruise for days.

The car behind them rammed into them, and the car behind that, a red car with no roof slammed into that one.

"THINK! HARDER!" He screamed loudly.

He was about to move again, when he looked at the cars that had rear-ended him.

"Shit.'' He cursed.

Izzy tried to look at what he was looking at, but the man yelled at her to sit down.

Then he began driving as fast as he could, he ran a red light and another car rammed into theirs.

Izzy let out a shriek and covered her head with her arms. There was a ringing sound in her ears, then her door swung open and someone was pulling her out. It was the man.

He ran with her in his arms, yelling about Project P.E.N., but Izzy was more focused on the red car with no roof that was dodging traffic.

The car swerved suddenly in front of them.

"Afternoon, Daniel." Phil said. "Care to go for a ride?" Phil swung his car door open.

Daniel - that must be his name, spun around, but before he could make it far another car swerved, boxing him in. That door opened, too.

"You can ride with Phil." Izzy's papa began, "Or you can ride with me. Your call."

A helicopter whirred overhead.

"Or," Alexander Pierces voice boomed, clearly from a loudspeaker on the helicopter somewhere. Intended to be used to talk to pedestrians and civilians. "You can ride with me."

Slowly, Daniel, began talking, still clutching Izzy.

"Just tell me about Project P.E.N. and the girl walks free!"

"How about," Phil began, "I dont shoot you and in return, the girl walks free."

There was a tense silence, then Daniel began clamoring into Nick's car.

"Leave the girl with Phil. She doesnt need to see this." Nick instructed.

Her and Phil went for ice cream that day. A nice place on Main Street.

Isabella FuryWhere stories live. Discover now