The Diving Bell And The Butterfly.

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Lilac eyes met cerulean ones.

"M-Marinette?" The soft voice of the pink creature spoke.

Floating before Marinette was the Kwami who had always supported her in all her endeavors. The ally who had never hesitated to wipe away her tears. The friend who had always spoke encouraging words to her and stood by her side. The creature that she had abandoned.

Not knowing where to begin, Marinette drew in a deep breath. "Oh, Tikki I'm so s-"

The little, pink blur dashed to her chosen's cheek, enveloping it in a hug, tears falling freely from her eyes. The girl stood shocked at first, but soon adjusted to the contact and wrapped her hands around her Kwami's body. Her face relaxed as the tension was released from her shoulders. A small smile began forming itself on her face.

A similar expression resided on Chat Noir's as he watched his lady and the buggy critter. When Marinette had opened the box, the light washed over him and filled him with a sense of completion. He could only imagine it had something to do with what Plagg was feeling. He had told Adrien about Ladybug's Kwami one day, and although he hadn't confirmed it, Adrien could tell from his words that Plagg felt something deeper for the spotted creature.

The moment was cut short when screams suddenly rose in the distance, forcing the reunited pair to jump apart from one another. It was as if the universe had made a game of disrupting the heros' personal lives for its own entertainment.

Looking at her holder in the eye, Tikki gave a reassuring smile and a slight nod of her head.

With her nerves rising, Marinette mustered up her courage and shakily spoke the words "Tikki s-spots on!"

Chat Noir watched his lady return to him as she transformed in a cloud of pink mist.

Ladybug looked down at her now spandex covered arms, flexing her fingers as the familiar feeling returned to her.

"Ready bugaboo?"

She blushed at the name. "As I'll ever be."

Taking her smaller pinky in his clawed one, an action that seemed to be comfortable and reoccurring between the pair, Chat led his partner out the door.

Swinging through the air, the heroes raced toward the origin of the chaos.

Ladybug splurged with excitement at the feeling she got whilst soaring above the streets of Paris. It was a feeling she had missed and eventually forgotten during the months she spent solely as Marinette. But, as she'd come to find, Marinette and Ladybug were one in the same. For Chat Noir taught her that mask or no mask, the person beneath the disguise boar the same heart.

With so many thoughts attacking her brain all at once, Ladybug was slowed down. But, distraction of not, her kitty had always been faster and reached the battle before she did.

"Well, well if it isn't the great Chat Noir." The voice of a little boy spat out.

"The one and only." He smirked as he bowed. "Now what's got your diapers in a knot?"

The boy fumed but ignored the catty comment. "And where's your little friend?"

Chat froze. "My little fr-"

"You know the one. Moonbeams in her hair, sapphires in her eyes."

These words were obviously not the child's own. Could Hawkmoth be talking about M-

"You mean me?" Ladybug appeared, spinning her yo-yo as a shield.

Chat felt his breath hitch and he turned toward her. Relief washed over him as he remembered she was back to her heroine self, capable of battling this akuma.

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