Chapter 16

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There was a light surrounded them again.There were in the Shining agency.

Rina-Where are we?
Ranmaru-This is Shining agency.
Cecil-Oh no.this is bad!
Licht-Did you do something to our sister?
Then there is a voice they knew very well coming from the practice room of Starish.Then they saw Haruka,Otoya and Natsuki.
Otoya-Haruka,I and Natsuki has something to tell you.
Haruka-What is it about?
Natsuki-The other member of Starish has been blinded by fame and wanted to fire you as their composer.
Haruka-But why!!!
Otoya-We don't know.You are the best composer and we want to tell you that later we will play along with them,what we will say later please don't mind.
Natsuki-We will be here for you.Don't forget what we said,we will play along with them nothing is true.
Haruka-Thank you for telling me all of these,so for now I'm just going back to my know that I'm a princess right cause grandma told you.
Otoya-We are the ones who only believe you but the rest they forgot it already.
Haruka-Okay they are coming!
At this moment the now Starish glare at Otoya and Natsuki,but they just gave them an innocent look and smirk.
Cecil-Otoya not fair!
Tokiya-We also love her but we need to betray her!
Natsuki-Betray her for what?
Tokiya-Betray her for......uh.....her own good?
Natsuki-What for own good?
Tokiya-I...uh....don't know!
Otoya-For gaining more fame and money!
Tokiya-We said we were sorry right!
Reiji-Sorry can't change a thing,you already hurt her enough!
Yamato-come on guys just keep quiet and look what is happening!
The past Starish came running into the practice room and saw Otoya and Natsuki........
Natsuki-So Otoya and I called her here.
Otoya-So tell her!
Tokiya-We found out that your songs are not unique anymore so we want to fire you......
Haruka-No no no!please no!
Cecil-The muse told you to leave and it is a must,I can find another to be my princess and muse.
At this point Haruka's heart started to ache and the people who are watching felt it and hug their chest but they saw Haruka has not shown any pain expression instead of showing pain she said..........
Haruka-Please you cannot fire me like that!please I beg of you!!!
Ren-Haruka we want to fire you,just go and I mean now!
Masato-You are not needed here!
Natsuki-please just go!(meaning: it will soon be over)
Otoya-please!(meaning:Don't go I want you to stay here with me and only me)
Syo-We don't need you here go,go to somewhere far away our sight!
Starish saw that and heart ache more,it hurts a lot but Haruka still didn't show any pain in her face and said these things......
Haruka-Starish you will certainly regret of firing me.
After she said these things the past Quartet Night burst in to the room,Reiji lifted up the crying girl in his arm,oh how the boys would have wish that they are the ones that are hugging her.....
Reiji-We will take care of Haruka!
Camus-How could you do this to Haruka you foolish brats!
Ai-Haruka's songs are the best you know,you are just too blinded by fame!
Ranmaru-We will talk with Shining about this and go to Raging agency to become idols there,you will regret that!
Tokiya-Just go!
Ren-We don't care,she is ugly anyways.
Syo-Good bye for Eternally!
Otoya-Bye,hope to see you soon.......
Natsuki-Haru-chan bye......
Masato-what did you say that for!both of you!
Otoya and Natsuki-Nothing and none of your business!
Haruka-Good Bye!
The people was surrounded with light again and went back to their time and almost fainted because of the pain,even Ai also!
Vlad-For now she can live but she will remain weak for her deal has not yet done.Now I will erase the pain.
Rina-I had no idea that Haruka was in this lot of pain!
Nagi-it's all your fault!Nanami's and Starish,well not Otoya and Natsuki!
Starish-We said that we are sorry!
Heavens all together-Sorry cannot change what you had done!
The Nanami's-let's go to Haruka's room now and fast!
With that they run to Haruka's room as fast as their feet could take.

Sorry again for making you all wait,I will update as fast like once a week thank you for your patience!❤️

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