Chapter 11

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Haruka-Is that you Vlad?
Now every body was surprised except for the three groups and Victor with the Nanami parents.
Licht-You knew him?
Shin-You need tell us about this young lady,I thought I knew all the person you knew.
Ryou-So how did you met him?
Haruka-So I see that all of my brother forgot that we had a deal when we were at a royal ball.
Daichi-Which ball?
Bruno-According to my notes of all Nanami royal ball. I see that you made a deal with us and it is also the first time you joined the ball we held,but I haven't record that you met with this guy and what was the deal.
Kai-The deal was that if she got better she got to join us to the ball.But all I know is this.
Haruka sigh and said-Actually I met him when my brothers was busy talking to each other of how to protect me while I slip out with Victor and Oto-sama and Okaa-sama to meet other guests but while I was walking I bump into a boy and that boy is Vlad.But how did you met him.
The brothers-we met him before you one another met.
Vlad-this garden is where me,Victor and Haruka secret garden.And also the place where we first play with each other.
Haruka-That day was fun!
Rei-Sure it is huh.
Daichi-Why didn't you told us about this?
Haruka-Actually I want to tell you about this during the ball but you all just ignored me and flirt with other girls at the ball,I still haven't forgotten that.And after that I went to this garden with Victor and Vlad to play we even found a river here.
Licht-We did not flirt with the girls.
Ryou-We just chat with them.
Haruka-So chatting with sweet words and finding a chance to hug them isn't flirting?Ok then,Victor you are as sweet as candy maybe you can let me taste you this night.
She then hugs Victor and kissed him on the cheek.All the boys felt jealous but Victor just felt like he went to heaven but didn't show his emotion and make a I win peace sign.
Leohard-Ok,I have enough of this.Just do whatever you want or go wherever you want we don't care.(His just
jealous and said without thinking.)
Haruka-Don't regret.Heavens,quartet night you can stay here.Starish you also stay here but Victor,Vlad you come with me.After we finish this trip I am going to pick you up.Otoya,Natsuki take good care of them.This trip ends next two months but this will end one month.
Leohard-If you gonna go,just go by yourself don't bring anyone.
Haruka-Fine.see you again in the last day or not.
Haruka then ran back to her room used five minutes to pack and then ran out of the castle.Heavens,Quartet Night want to chase her but leohard stop them.
Leohard-We can chase her if she brought the Nanami phone cause we have gps at our phone but if she did not brought it with her we will just use guards to find her it will be fine cause she only has one phone.
Nagi-But I saw two phones in her purse.
Leohard-What!This cannot be happening.
Daichi-The last time they had a fight she did not brought her phone with her and we only found at the end of the year.
Leohard-No this cannot happen!
Daichi-Is our fault.
Licht-We actually most of the time ignore her cause before we thought girls are troublesome to take care of ,but she is different she takes care herself.and always well behave we only fight two times and this is the second time.
Rina-So that's why she is not close to all of you.
Ryouta-She only thinks that she is useless,but in this time you all just ignored her well me and Rina sometimes did too but because of work.and in those difficult times Victor is the one who is by her side.
Rei-So that's why when we want to separate her from Victor she cried.
Nagi-We need to find her now!
Victor-She must be over there.(he mumbles)
Kai heard him and asked where but Victor won't tell them.In this moment the brothers thought they know their sister the best but there is a gap between Victor and them. The felt regret to left their precious little sister with Victor when they were young.They wish to turn back time and play with Haruka.

So here is chapter 11 hope you enjoy reading it.


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