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There's a light surrounding them and suddenly they are in Haruka's garden.
Otoya-this is haruka's garden right?
Licht-Yes it is.
At this time they saw a little girl with orange hair and a little boy with purple hair.
Ren-There is little lamb!
Cecil-Don't call her little lamb!Call her Cecil's princess!
Yamato-Just shut up already and follow her !
At this they saw Haruka and Victor hugging each other like there is no tomorrow when they let go.
A child Haruka's voice said......
Victor-Yes sis?
Haruka-Why my other brothers always ignores me and also my parents they always says that they love me but I doubt that they mean that.You and Vlad are different from them what you say you always meant it.
Victor-Because your brothers don't like being with a sick person and our parents are busy taking care of your brothers because they need to become the heir of the kingdom someday.
Haruka-They don't know that I can live only for twenty years.
Victor held haruka tightly in his soft arms and said
Victor-I will not let this happen,I will protect you or find a way to make this deal last without risking your are the only that set me free from my pain and you also have the same blood as me!
Victor-Let's go find Vlad shall we?
At this time Haruka didn't respond but instead blood coming out from her mouth,she was vomiting blood!
Victor-No no no this cannot be happening now!
The Nanamis and the groups with Vlad saw this and their chest began to ache just like what was haruka was feeling in what they saw.
Licht-It hurts!
Rina-Haruka I am so sorry to let you been through all these!
Ai-I suppose to be a robot and yet I can feel it,it really hurts a lot!
Vlad-Just bear with it for a moment for Haruka has suffered more!
Shion-Victor held haru in bridal style and ran in to the hurts!
Otoya-Follow them.
They follow them into the ball room and found the Nanamis unaware of what was happening with haruka even when Victor told all of them but they looked like they don't care a bit and continued the ball ignoring their only daughter or sister and said these things.
Rina-Just bear with it will you!The ball will not be discontinued for you because you are only feeling pain in you chest!
Daichi-Mother's right!
Licht-And we are only getting in the best part with the ladies then you interrupt!
Zen-couldn't agree more.
Kai-I agree.
Rei- plus one here
Leonhard-two here
Shin-plus four
Bruno-five here
Ryouta- six and the final!
Haruka-But please I need your help mom,dad,onii-sama tachi.It really hurts a lot.
At this The past Rina growl in rage.
Rina-Just go and heal yourself somewhere here in the palace!We will not and do not care your all well-being Haruka!Can't you see that the ball is more important than you?Just get back to your room!
Haruka-Yes mother.......
Victor-You don't have to be like this!
He escorted Haruka to her room.and with this the people that are watching these grew angry at themselves while the pain in their chest doubled not second times but fourth times painfuller than the pain they felt before.
Eiji-I thought she is the treasure in the Nanami family?Why Haru is not treated well.
Rina-I am so sorry!
Ren-You know sorry cannot just cover what you have done to her!
Natsuki-look who's talking when they are also the one who hurt Haru-chan badly!
Masato-your right!
Otoya-Not for you to also say!
Syo-I kinda regret of what we did to her.
Nagi-You Starish except Otoya and Natsuki are the one also who hurts her this bad you know.
Camus-For once we agree together commoner.
Ranmaru-Yeah,for the first time.
Reiji-Come on don't be mean! Ai-Ai come help!
Ai-fine!Don't argue any more guys we need to go to the now Haruka in the past where you Starish had betrayed her!
Suddenly they were surrounded again with a light and go to the now Haruka which is in the past.....

Sorry again for not updating for so long .🙏🏻本当にごめんなさい!

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