"SHH, dear! The house is gonna collapse!" The young mother spoke, laughter in her eyes and on the tip of her tongue.

"Oops. Sorry, dear!" Her husband stopped abruptly, but a huge smile still stayed on his face.

For a moment they all stared at each other, trying desperately to hold their laughter in.

And then they all broke, giggling like toddlers, rolling on the ground, gripping their stomachs like it was their lifelines.

They wiped their tears from their eyes desperately, chest still heaving with laughter.

After all of the drama, they panted, gasping for air, great grins on their faces.

"Well! Daddy brought dinner today so let's eat!" The man yelled out, pumping his fist in the air.

"YEAH!" His children leaped into the air energetically, and the two adults found themselves smiling warmly in spite of the fact that they had almost no money.


"Hey there little man! We're gonna go to the big city today!" The man picked up the boy, swinging him around and around like an airplane.

"Big city, big city!" The baby girl giggled happily from her spot in her mother's arms.

The boy's eyes sparkled, eyes getting impossibly big at seeing a city for the first time.

After all those stories he'd heard, he was excited to actually see those tall, tall, skyscrapers his mother had told him about.

"Mom! Mom! Will there be skyscrapers?! Will there be heroes?!"

"Of course honey."

All the way to the city, the boy had a spring in his step.


The boy gasped as slowly, the line of broken houses started to change, from dingy, deformed little ones, they slowly started to become more live-able. More clean, more expensive.

Something he had never experienced in his short life.

And, rather quickly, a line of skyscrapers towered in his vision.

And the boy could only stare, transfixed, at the whole scene before him.

The murmurs of thousands of people mixed into one loud, thumping beat as sights that he would never been able to imagine filled his young eyes and the bodies of people shoved together in the crowded streets brushed past his dirty sleeve.

And he could only stand there in that foreign world, out of place and lonely.

People ran,  navigating their way expertly between the throngs of people, racing in a hurry to reach an unknown destination.

Others simply kept their heads down, some looking at their phones, some talking, some bobbing their heads violently to the music pouring out of their earbuds.

It was all new to him. A world that he had never explored before.

Cars honked from the streets and lights flashed from windows. Dogs barked through the ruckus and the eerie blue shadows from a quirk lit up around a corner.

The sounds were all things he had heard before, but all of them were mixed together, crashing into chaos.

This was how a city sounded.

As he stood there gaping, suddenly, something crashed into the middle of the bustling street.

Or, someone.

Stun Gun Hero: ChargeboltWhere stories live. Discover now