Couldn't Think Of A Title

Start from the beginning

Yelled Boomer and Butch on the other end of the phone.

"Ok Blossom we are on our way to your house." Said Brick

"Hurry up I don't know how long I can stand to hear two girls crying at once!" Said Buttercup as Bailey and Bubbles started to cry again

"HEY BABE!" Said Butch

Blossom hung up the phone. She sat on the couch running her eyes.

"Are you guys going to suck my blood?" Asked Bailey

"No we don't drink human blood only animal blood." Answered Buttercup

She nodded her head

There was a knock on the door. Bailey jumped since she was sitting in front of it. She got up and Bubbles opened the door.

Butch,Boomer, and Brick walked in and looked at her. She backed away then hit a wall.

"So what are we going to do with her?" Asked Blossom

"Were going to erase her memory." Said Butch

Bailey started to panic and cry again

"Please don't erase my memory I promise I won't tell anybody I don't even have any friends to tell I'm all alone. My parents won't even care enough to believe me and I sit alone in each classroom because everybody think I'm weird." She said

"That seems kind of personal to me." Said Buttercup folding her arms

"Please I will do anything." Bailey folded her hands shaking them

Bubbles stepped up in front of Bailey.

"We don't have to erase her memory guys she don't even have any friends to tell. Maybe we can be her friends I mean the first friend we had didn't turn out well." Said Bubbles referring to Betty


Bubbles, Blossom, and Buttercup walked into class to see Betty, Crystal, Katie, and other girls laughing. They walked over to Betty confused on why she is sitting with Crystal.

"Betty why are you hanging out with Crystal?" Asked Bubbles glaring at Crystal when she said her name

" Oh yea I forget to tell you that we were never friends and we are never going to be friends. "

They stood there shocked, hurt, angry, and betrayed.

"Why were you pretending to be friends with us?!" Blossom said with tears running down her face

Betty stood up folding her arms smirking at Blossom who just stood there.

"Because when I first saw you I thought you guys were easy to mess with and I was right."

Buttercup punched Betty in her nose. She fell to the ground with Buttercup on top of her punching her face with no remorse.

"BUTTERCUP STOP!" Shouted Blossom

Student were cheering for Buttercup in the back ground.


Crystal jumped in the fight but Blossom grabbed her hair and pulled her off. Crystal slapped Blossom which made her face turn red with anger. Blossom punched her in the stomach then grabbed her head and knee her in her nose breaking it.

"GIRLS BREAK IT UP." The teacher tried to break up the fight but got hit in the face by Crystal.

Katie jumped in kicking Blossom in her legs to make her fall. Bubbles jumped on her back and made her land on the floor face first. Katie nose was bleeding and getting all over her clothes.


Katie gave Bubbles a death glare then lunged towards her. Bubbles blocked her punch and pushed her on the floor. Katie grabbed Bubbles hair sending her down with her. Now Bubbles and Katie were in the position Buttercup and Betty were in. But Bubbles was on top.

The security came and broke up the fight. The teacher came back with a bruised nose.


Flashback over

Buttercup smiled at the memory. Blossom and Bubbles shuddered.

" Please don't erase my memory. This is like the most interesting news I got in years. I promise to keep your secret no matter what. "Said Bailey

Everyone looked at each other then back at Bailey. Buttercup walked up to her.

" We will give you one chance but if you fuck up I will do you like I did to Betty. "

Bailey, Boomer, Butch, and Brick looked at Buttercup confused. Bubbles showed them the fight that a student posted on the internet.

There was screaming coming from the video indicating the fight started. Butch laughed when he saw Buttercup get on top of Betty.

The boys and Bailey were covering there eyes once in a while when a painful punch happened. There was a huge crack coming from the video.

"Blossom you broke her nose!" Said Brick smiling at his girlfriend.

Blossom laughed and continued watch. By this time Katie had jumped in fighting Blossom. They was a snack in the video when Bubbles made Katie fall face first on the floor.

Boomer kissed Bubbles hugging her. She laughed. The video went off and everyone stared at the three girls in shock.

"Remind us to never get on y'all bad side." Said Boomer

Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup looked at Bailey who was pale white. She took a deep breath.

"I still want to be you guys friend." Bubbles hugged her and she hugged back.

"Let's get to school we already missed first period." Said Blossom

They left the house together ❤

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