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Narrator POV

After the incident Izumi was questioned by the police. She reported how her father, Kai, AKA Overhaul, had used her as a lab rat. She was used to train new quirks, they tested out special drugs on her, and used her as a slave. It is now 1 month after she was saved and she is talking to All Might about her possible future as a hero.

Izumi POV

I gazed at the hero in disbelief, 'did he really just say that?'

"young Izumi? I'll ask again, would you like a chance to become a hero?"

"I... I can really have that chance?"

"with enough training and hard work I believe you'd do just fine. You have a strong sense of justice although you're very timid. And with a quirk like yours, I believe you could be one of the best!"

Izumi's quirk is called Timer, if she touches an item or entity, she can stop time for that item. The max amount of time for a non-living object is 10 minuets. While for an living object it is 5 minutes before she passes out. While time is stopped the object can be moved but not harmed.

"yes" I replied "I would like to become a hero"

(1 month later)

3rd person POV

Aizawa-sensei stood at the front of the class. "Quite down class" He grumbled. Everyone fell silent as he began to speak. "Today we have a new student" He gazed at the doorway expectantly. A short girl with green fluffy hair walked in the classroom. Everyone recognized her immediately, they all gasped at the fact that she was the new student, causing her to finch at the sudden noise.

"Wow this looser is our classmate?" Bakugo sneered "She's scared of her own shadow!"

Everyone glared at Bakugo with killer intent. "What? I'm just stating the obvious!" This earned him a smack on the head from Tsuyu.

Izumi bowed deeply "It's a pleasure to work with you" she said shakily.

"You can sit behind Bakugo" Aizawa-sensei stated, everyone gazed at him confused. "if they can't get along now they never will." He simply replied. Izumi shakily walked over to her seat and sat down.

"This is homeroom so do what ever you want just don't wake me up." Aizawa-sensei said as he climbed into his yellow sleeping bag. Almost instantly everyone raced up to Izumi's desk, bombarding her with questions.

"What was your problem from that day?" "Why were you so scared?" "Are you ok now?". Her knight in shinning armor, Todoroki, came up and calmed everyone down. He then caught her eye and she nodded her thanks. She started to answer everyone's questions.

"Why were you so scared when we met you that day?"

"I haven't met many good people, so I didn't know if you were going to hurt me or not" she replied.

"Why was Bakugo carrying you on his back?" someone asked.

"We were just saved by All Might and had to get away."

"Get away from what? Villains!?"

"Yes" Eventually they ran out of questions to ask her, and the bell rang. The next class was hero training. She received a gym uniform and was escorted to the locker room. She was in the middle of changing when she heard a gasp. She turned around and saw Uraraka staring at her back, horrified.

"Oh my god! What happened to you?" She had forgotten all about her scars on her back, whip lashes, cuts, burns and many more could be found on her there. Izumi winced at the memories and ignored her question.  As she passed Uraraka she pleaded. "Please don't tell anyone."

Uraraka looked conflicted but in the end agreed to keep this a secret on one condition. Izumi tell her how she got the scars.

Time skip (End of school day at dorms)

This is where Izumi was supposed to tell Uraraka about her past. She didn't think she'd be able to speak of that without breaking down, but she'll try.

A few minutes passed before she got here and sat down. Nervously Izumi started to explain her past, choking up on most parts while Uraraka waited patiently. By the end of the story they were both crying. Uraraka out of sympathy for the abused child, and Izumi from having to relive those times. Uraraka apologized for being nosy and promised not to tell anyone. She also recommended that Izumi should be more careful when she changed, and left.

She made her way to the dorm that the school had provided for her. She gazed at the dull room and sighed .'Oh well, isn't anything I'm not used to'. She gazed at the bed, because of her time with her dad, she was new to the cushiony feeling. Now Izumi was in her bed, slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Please! Stop!" The young girl cried, being pushed against the wall. "Awww, is little Izumi crying?" The blond sang, repeatedly stepping on Izumi's face. She then tossed her to the side "Ugh, I'm bored!" she walked away leaving Izumi in a crying heap of blood.

"Iz.." "Izu..." "Izumi" "Izumi!"

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