I shoved the hands off me and attempted to reach out for Landon as he was making his way to the back. He brushed past me, disappearing within the crowd.

The medical team quickly came in and took the body out.

I quickly ran after him. The guard outside his room moved over as the sound of glass breaking could be heard from behind the door. I swung the door open just in time to see him pull his bloodily and back from the mirror. "Dude!" I ran to him, grabbing his arm.

He yanked his hand back, shoving me away. "Was that your plan? Bring him here to piss me off!"

I threw my hands up. "I didn't even know he was coming until they showed up."

He laughed. "But you fucking knew he was here, are you so far up that chicks pussy to forget who..."

"Fuck you! That is not fair and you know it!" I shoved him. "Look I'm sorry I didn't warn you, but the shit you're doing to her isn't healthy nor is it helping."

He glared at him. "Don't fuckin start..."

I shook my head. "I'm just waiting for you to man the fuck up, if you didn't care about her like that, you wouldn't have reacted that way."

He ignored me stepping over the glass.

I sighed. "Look, I apologized for not warning you but you can't keep doing this. You're sending that girl mixed signals."

He took his wrap off his other hand. "You can't send mixed signals to a girl that has a boyfriend."


"You done?" He asked looking down at his bloody fist.

I almost slipped up and outed them before catching myself. It was my place. And as much as I wanted to bring my brother some relief, his stubborn ass needed to admit his feelings, and if he thought he had some competition, he'd have to step it up. At least that's what I used to think, but after tonight, I think that now is the time for Mia and Felix to come clean. Because the last thing Landon needed was more blood on his hands.

I sighed walking out of the room, I made my way back over and over to Tara as she and Felix were comforting Mia. "Hey."

Mia looked up at me with tears threatening to fall. "I-I didn't think... he'd b-be that mad." She shook. "He... he almost killed him." The tear fell, but she quickly wiped it, pushing her hair back. "I need to go talk to him."

I gripped her arm. "Mia, I think it's best if you sit this one out. He's even pissed at me for not warning him."

She shook her head. "I know, I'm stupid, but I just need to see him." She struggled in my grip.

"Mia, I'm sorry. But I can't let you do that." She nodded, calming down. I let her go, stepping back. "So how about... Mia!" I shouted after her as she sprinted towards the back. I attempted to run after her only to have Tara and Felix grip my arms. I turned back to face them. "What the hell?"

Tara shook her head. "Let her go Luke, they need to hash this out."

I frowned. "Not after what happened tonight, Tara he's unstable, he almost killed someone and he just smashed the mirror in his holding room."

"He won't hurt her." She assured me.

I shook my head. "You don't know that and you don't know him."

Mia's P.O.V

I allowed my senses to take me to Landon as I pushed my way past the guards. They must have thought I was his girlfriend after he gave up the kill for me and let me through without giving me any problems.

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