Chapter 5

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I woke to the sound of the alarm clock blaring in my ear. It was yet another day and I had to drag myself out of bed. I wanted to finish my dream hoping that the woman in my dream would say something else something that would tell me who she was, but I knew I had to get out of bed.

Once I was fully awake and had put my dream out of my head I couldn't wait to see Kyle. I quickly dressed and ran out the front door. I jumped in my jeep and sped down the street. This time I didn't stop at Shelly's, instead I called her and told her that I would be driving myself to school because I had something to do before school. Of course, Shelly was curious as to what that something was, but she didn't ask, partly because she was still asleep when I called.

I pulled up to the large iron gate that surrounded Kyle's house and sat there for a minute, "What if I'm wrong?" I wondered aloud to myself, but I still pushed the call button on the gate and waited for the elderly man to inquire on who was at the house that early in the morning.

Once I had announced myself the gate opened, and I pulled my jeep through it. I drove down the long driveway that was surrounded by trees and greenery and finally found myself sitting in front of the enormous house. I took a deep breath and then stepped out of the car. When I got to the door the elderly man was standing there waiting for me.

"Master Kyle has asked that I show you to the library." He said as he showed me to the same room that he had showed me to every time I visited this house. I was beginning to wander if there was something wrong with the rest of the house. Once I was inside the extremely large room the elderly man said, "he will be down shortly," and he shut the doors.

That wasn't good enough for me, I wanted to see him now, so I tiptoed up to the large doors and peeked out. Once the coast was clear I snuck up the stairs and looked behind every door before I opened the right one. Kyle was sitting on the side of his bed. He was half bent over and looked as if he was still trying to catch a few more minutes of sleep before he went downstairs to greet me.

I stood in the doorway watching him for a moment before he said, "Have you ever thought about a job in surveillance?" He looked up at me and I instantly felt stupid for invading his privacy.

"I'm sorry I'll go back down and wait for you in the library."

"You might as well come in you're already here."

I wasn't sure if that was an angry remark or just an extremely tired one, but I did as I was told anyway.

"Whatever it is that you needed couldn't it have waited until we saw each other in school?"

"Um... I just wanted to see you." I admitted in a tiny yet audible voice.

"You aren't afraid of me anymore?"

"Yes and no. I'm afraid of what I don't know, but not afraid of what I can't see anymore. I am afraid of the reason I can't see those things more than I am afraid of the things I can't see." I had all night to think of what I was going to say to him and I had it all planned, at least I hoped. I would feed him full of riddles just as he did me in hopes of proving that he is indeed my masked man. I wanted some answers and I wanted them now. I was tired of playing this game of cat and mouse, I wanted to know why it was necessary for him to protect me and stand outside my house every night. I already knew it was him, so the only thing left to do was prove it.

"It's too early in the morning for me to play this game. I need at least a couple more hours of sleep or a couple pots of coffee." He lied, he could play this game all day and outwit her at it. He just wasn't in the mood right now, but something told him he had better get in the mood quickly because she wasn't finished.

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