103 - Progress

461 26 7

There is this concept called the pole of inaccessibility. That imaginary pole is the hardest to reach place of a landmass, the piece of land most distant from any coastline. You can invert the concept and figure out the place in an ocean that is the furthest away from land.

This is relevant, because we have reached this place.

Rhea gave me a lot of information when she blasted my mind into the next dimension, including a rough world map. The ocean on which a large part of my adventures so far have played out sits in between two continents and is a roughly circular shape. I filled in some blanks using my upgraded scouting plane and figured out the spot that is the furthest away from any intelligent life.

There is no point on this half of the planet that is further away from land, unless you go into space. This trip took a bit over two weeks. A lot happened. I could summarize it all, but that would be pretty boring.

I scoot over to Rhea, give her a squeeze and jam a fake microphone in her face.

"Hello miss, could you give me and the viewers at home an update on what happened on this little journey of ours?"

I manage to keep straight and semi professional journalist face as the ticked off dragoness starts fighting back. I can see a flame starting to smoulder inside her pupils as I feel her up while keeping her in a reporter's hug. Ha! That's what you get for rejecting half my qi, woman!

"What is it now, you insufferable a-"

"Recap of what happened the last few weeks. I'm keeping a logbook."

"You know very well what happened, you Dick. Leave me alone."

I feel my temper flare at her abuse of my name, I heard the capital D in the way she pronounced it. Rhea looks away from me, ignores me totally and acts like the steering wheel needs all her attention. Alright then, let's start plan number two.

"Pleeeeeaaaaaaase?" I look at her with begging, innocent eyes. I draw a slow moving band of qi through my eyes and make them water a bit. 'I'M FUCKING CUTE, CAN'T IGNORE ME, PUPPY EYES'

She stares at me for a bit. She blinks a bit. She ignores me again, the ocean taking up her full attention.

"I reformed my cultivation base, my previous double core base's qi intent was largely sexual. Great for having fun, useless for fighting. I reformed a braincore with a pure air focus. I tried a heartcore and a gut core. I will reform the double core setup when I reach past the foundation realm."

I was about to leave and pester the others but she gives me a recap anyway. I've still got it, aw yeah! I smile at her and kiss her on the cheek.

"Thanks hun, you sure you don't want to join me up there later?"

She nods, a smile creeping up her face despite the fierce glare she is still sending my way. "Yes. We've got all the time in the world, right? I also am a massive cuntface."

I grin back at her and walk downstairs, a jump in my step. I dodge the burst of hyper condensed air while remotely sending the implanted process into hiding again.

Selis and Tess are sitting on a bench in a dark space. Ominous shapes surround the duo as they peer into a large cauldron, eldritch lights playing across their fascinated faces. Selis grins an evil smile while rubbing her hands, Tess peers into the murky mixture while rubbing her fingers, letting a fine powder fall from between her digits.

"A pinch more!"

"I'll add a dash of this too!"

"Don't mess with the balance too much!"

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