“You hid all these weapons in here and you expect me to believe Sarah and Juan don’t know about them?”

     “As I said when you were sleeping, I am the one that rented this fine piece of auto mobility. Therefore, I get to decide what I put and do not put inside of it.” There was a little bit of silence before Beckett spoke again.

     “Ok let’s stop talking about the van and get back to the problem. How are we going to get out of here?” He asked desperately.      

    “First we will escape our restraints.” I took the knife in my hand to begin sawing away at the rope rapped around my wrists. It took a little longer than I had anticipated but I finally cut it to the point where I could snap it off my wrist.

     “You are next my friend.” I said, sliding the knife over to Beckett.

     “Took you long enough.” He muttered under his breath.

     “Excuse me, what was that?”

     “Um, nothing.” As Beckett cut off his rope, I began rummaging through some buckets. That was when I felt the van stop moving.

     “Ok Uncle Pedro let’s…” Juan had opened the little door just as I looked up at him. I let a smile cross my face before I said,

     “Adiós gilipollas.” Then I grabbed my gun and turned to the back of the van. “Come on Gringo, we must escape.” He had just gotten out of his restraints when I grabbed his arm and pulled in along with me. But just as I was about to open the doors, they opened from the outside and I was suddenly face to face with the puta.

     “Now, now, now. Where do you think you’re going Uncle Pedro.” She said with a smirk. In a quick flash I pulled out the gun and pointed it at her forehead.

     “Take one more step and I will blow out your brains.” I said, moving a little closer.

     “Oh, come now Uncle Pedro. Do you really want to do that.” She asked stepping out of the way. Behind her stood five men with guns, all pointed at me and the Gringo. In the middle stood my buyer, Ernesto Silvio. He was one of the deadliest men I have ever encountered.

     “Hola Pedro.” He said smiling.

     “Hola Ernesto.” I said with a gulp.

     “Now Pedro, when your nephew told me you were a rat, I didn’t quite believe him,” He looked me dead in the eyes and pointed his gun at my forehead. “But now I guess I have no choice but to.” He pulled the trigger.



     Before departing from Texas, Sheriff Bronson, along with Evangeline and Cecilia, informed Rick of his son’s whereabouts. Shocked by the news, he of course wanted to attend the rescue mission. Although Agent Carter was highly against it.

     “Sheriff, we are going to a place where tensions between us and them are very high. I must disagree with your request to bring three civilians.” Agent Carter said sharply as all five of them stood in the center of Dallas Heliport, a private airspace where the FBI was waiting for permission to fly.

     “I understand that Carter but it’s very important that we bring ‘em. They could provide ya with valuable information.” Sherriff Bronson protested.

     “Oh really? What kind of information do they have that I don’t already?” Carter said with an ignorant smirk.

     “Let me see ya hand young man.” Cecilia said, stepping forward.

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