The Fieldtrip

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Of course I had to start off with the ever so done field trip oneshot. I love them so much so time to try and write one oof.

"Hey, Ned wanna come over to the tower? I can show you my lab!" Peter leaned over to whisper to his friend.

"Sure! Ooh do you think I can meet Tony Stark? Maybe even Bruce Banner!" He exclaimed, excitement building up inside of him.

Peter merely chuckled at his friends antics then responded, "Maybe. Mr. Stark always talks about how he wants to meet my 'Guy in the Chair'" Ned looked like he was going to combust and before he could give his dramatic response the teacher interrupted their conversation.

"Mr Parker, Mr Leeds, while I do appreciate you talking during my lesson I'd greatly appreciate if you'd listen to my next announcement." She chided and Peter blushed but only slightly. He was used to this by now.

"Sorry, Ms Warren."

"As I was saying before the interruption, we've got a field trip coming up! Now I know many of you don't appreciate the rather boring field trips of the past but today you won't be disappointed. The school managed to impress a rather large company and they offered a tour." The teacher was wearing her all knowing grin and the students actually bothered to listen. It seemed like Ms Warren would burst with excitement.

"Our next field trip is at... Stark Industries!"

And off course chaos immediately ensued and while most students cheered Peter was spluttering in surprise.

"The... tower?" He managed to choke out and managed a small glare as he saw Ned laughing.

"Yep. And you're gonna go. I'm not going to be stuck with our class without you." Peter signed in resignation, knowing Ned would murder him if he didn't go.

"Hey, Penis. Bet you knew the field trip was gonna happen, right? With your fake internship and everything." Flash whispered in his ear careful to sit right back down when Ms Warren turned to face the front.

Peter turned back around to listen to Ms Warren and tried to ignore the onslaught of paper balls that would hit him every so often. Finally the class ended and Ms Warren made sure everyone grabbed a note.

"The field trip is next month but the dead line for the permission slips is in 2 weeks!"

"You know Ned, maybe this won't be so bad. People will know I'm not lying about the internship so that'll get Flash to shut up and if Mr Stark finds out he'll forget by the time we go on the field trip." Peter tried to reassure himself.

"Oh my god! Is Peter Parker being... optimistic?" Ned continued flailing his arms around and Peter rolled his eyes but couldn't help the smile that crawled it's way onto his face.

"Haha very funny. C'mon, I bought a new LEGO set and you'll love it!"


A month had passed far too quickly for Peter's taste but he kept telling himself that Mr Stark didn't know. It hadn't been mentioned and though he acted a bit more nervous in the labs, he didn't let it show that he was hiding anything.

Well he hoped he didn't.

As he lined up to get on the bus to Stark Tower, Flash didn't let him forget about how 'stupid you'll seem and embarrassed' much to Peter's chagrin.

As it continued on during the bus ride it seemed like MJ (who sitting a seat behind Peter) had enough.

"Listen up Eugene. I'm just trying to read my book but clearly, you don't know how to shut up. I'd like to see things from your point of view, but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass." She told him simply and went back to her book but Flash flushed bright red.

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