Chapter 76: Kioshi's ruthlessness

Start from the beginning

I woke up with my wrists and ankles tied back together again. I'm starting to think escaping Kioshi is impossible...The door roughly slid open and Kioshi marched inside looking extremely unhappy. "Do you really think I'm baka?"
"You really don't want me to answer that" Kioshi swiftly approached me and lifted me off the ground by my neck. He wasted no time in tightening his grip up to the point that I could no longer breathe. I wriggled around as I gasped for air.
"Did you really think I wouldn't find out?! That you used my own sister against me!?" I couldn't answer. "It would've been believable if at least one of the set of binds were cut, but they were both in one piece. That means they were both untied and there was no way you could've done that on your own" He threw me into a wall and I coughed several times as I tried to get my breath back. "Next time you come up with a plan, make sure it isn't as obvious as this one"
"...Thanks for the advice"
"Oh, I almost forgot"
"Argh!?" He moved so fast...Suddenly, he was in front of me and I now had a sword going through my abdomen.
"That's for one of the guards you killed. I'll punish you for the others later" He removed his sword with a smirk and left the room. Damn you Kioshi...! I curled myself into a ball as best as I could to try and relieve the pain.

The next day

From the position of the sun in the sky I deduced that it was somewhere around midday. The door slid open and Kinu walked in causing me to gasp, but I wasn't surprised by her coming here. No. I was surprised by her appearance. She had many bruises and appeared to be limping. She looked absolutely terrible! "I'm sure you already know, but Kioshi found out that I helped you" She chuckled sadly. "I never was a good planner"
"Kinu..." I felt immense guilt because it was my fault this happened to her in the first place.
"Here's your lunch. Let me untie you so you can eat"
"Wait...This could've happened!"
"What are you talking about?" Kinu looked at me confused.
"You could've untied my wrists so I could eat dinner! Meaning that both binds could've been untied because I could've taken your weapon and knocked you out before untying the second set of binds!"
"Well, that is true, but what's done is done" She untied my wrists.
"Kioshi just jumped to conclusions and got lucky" Which means I can convince him that I was working alone, although that might result in Kinu being banned from bringing me food. It's a small price to pay to protect her from further harm. When I finished eating, I told Kinu my plan.
"But Chiyeko, he'll surely hurt you more if you tell him that!"
"Better me than you. I'm a demon turned fury, remember? I can withstand a lot more than a half demon, half ningen can" I smiled to reassure her.
"You truly are a kind person. I'm so sorry you got caught up in all this..." Kinu apologised profusely as she re-tied my wrists.
"It's okay, it's not your fault. And don't worry, next time I escape it'll be on my own terms"
"I wish you the best of luck Chiyeko" She bowed before taking the tray and leaving. I can't believe Kioshi is willing to punish his own flesh and blood...That just proves what a bastard he is.


Here goes nothing...Kioshi walked into my room and I smirked at him. "What are you smirking about?"
"Just your hypocrisy"
"I mean, you're doing all this to avenge your family, right? Yet you don't even trust the only family you have left"
"It's your fault I can no longer trust her"
"Actually, it's your own fault because you jumped to conclusions about how I escaped"
"...What are you talking about?" Now I've got his attention.
"Kinu didn't help me escape. She untied my wrists so I could eat dinner and that's when I took her weapon and knocked her out before I untied the ropes around my ankles"
"Nani!?" His expression was a mixture of shock and anger. I've got to reinstate his trust in Kinu. Hopefully, that will make him apologise to his sister and not lay another hand on her. If I'm successful that is.
"That's right. You should give your sister more credit, I'm pretty sure she's not baka enough to go against you knowing how strong you are" I smiled smugly. "I guess you're not as loyal to your demon clan as you thought you were Kioshi"
"Damare!" He shouted before slapping me across the face. My cheek quickly started to sting shortly after he hit me. "You dare make a mockery of me!?"
"Ya kinda did that yourself, all I did was present you the chance to do so"
"We'll see if you're so cocky after this" He then left the room. does him leaving make me less cocky...? I tilted my head in confusion as I stared at the door from which he had just stormed out of.

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