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"Welcome to Voltron's Aquatics, please enjoy your stay, make sure not to leave any belongings behind."

The names Lance, I'm a professional Mermaid here in Voltron's Aquatics. Love to entertain kids, interact with sea creatures and help out my friends.

Of course, it's not easy.


"Hey Lance, we are packing up in 5, say goodbye to the children-!"

This is Hunk, he takes care of the cooking and food for the parents and food, he also supplies the fish and meat for the sea animals. He has a part time job to clean the glass of the aquariums and is Lance's closest friend.

"Ok- I'll be out in a minute! Anyway kids, as I was saying, it's magical underwater, it's beautiful during this time of day when the sun is shining over the water, that's when the baby seals come out~!" Lance rambles happily as the kids stare in awe.

"I'm going to talk about this in show and tell tomorrow~!" A small girl says happily, running to her mother as the other kids wave goodbye to the Mermaid "Bye Lance~!" They chorus.

Lance smiles, "goodbye my water babies." Waiting until he was clear from children, he scans the area for other lost children, soon locking eyes with a purple skinned Galra, sitting on a bench, observing Lance.

He looked around Lance's age, a black mullet and a red jacket, he wasn't hard to miss. "Hey, kid, the aquariums are closed, scram." He glares, the boy raises an eyebrow, closing his sketch book and getting up "..whatever you say.." he mumbles, walking off.

Lances mind is clouded with thoughts after seeing that Galra boy, he was probably a spy, sending information back to 'Galra Waters' a rip off of our aquarium park.

Lance checks to make sure all of the animals weren't hurt and safely at home before getting out of the water "Ah my legs-" he groans while taking off the tail. "Someone's been busy, nice tail" Allura speaks up.

Allura is a helper here in the park, she wanted to take over the company after her father Alfor passed away who owned the company but his father wanted her to graduate before doing so, she is one of Lance's love interests you could say.

"All to impress the ladies~ I can take you on a underwater date if you like~" Lance says with a smirk, eyebrows raised. "No thanks, I don't date Mermaids." Allura snorts and walks off, Lance pouts before making his way to the showers.

"Hey Lance! The kids absolutely loved my special rice-shaped fish today~!" Hunk says, jumping around as he enters the lockers. Lance smiles "I'll have to try them at some point." Hunk nods eagerly as he hops into the shower next to Lance.

"I saw another Galra today, pretty sure he was a spy again." Lance groans "I hate the competition they create, Alfor built this place to bring love and happiness, not competition and money." Lance rambles angrily, washing out the remaining conditioner in his hair, turning the tap off and stepping out of the showers.

"Let them go Lance, we can report it to Coran, but that's the most we can do." He says calmly. Lance mumbles a small 'yes' before heading out.


The next couple of days Lance sees the same Galra boy, over and over again, watching him play with the kids, smiling as he drew in a small sketch book. Lance waves at the children before coming face-to-face with the Galra boy.

"What do you want." Lance growls, keeping distance. The boy clears his throat "Uhm- well, I'm Keith, I-I just want to say I really admire your work-"

"-a-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-ba!" Lance cuts this so called 'Keith' off "you work with Galra Water's don't you-! Don't try and put a fake act on me, I know your trying to steal our ideas in the park for money." Lance says, a deathly glare shooting at Keith. "A-actually no.. I came here on my own accord- you see, I take interest in Mermaids and-"

"-Don't want to hear it, Parks closed, go away." Lance says harshly. Keith bites his lip and walks off, his sketch book clutched tightly to his chest for comfort.

'Was I too harsh?' Lance thinks to himself 'no- he's working with the Galra, no one who's apart of it is good.' Lance nods at his final remark and swims off.

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