Chapter 22

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That night I dreamt of murder and despair, just like every other night. My family was there, all of the. My mother, my father, and my brother. I was teasing them and taunting them as I tied them to rusty lawn chairs.

My mother was begging me not to hurt her, but all I wanted to do was ram the knife I had set aside into her leg and watch her scream. Blood trickled down my fathers face from the punch I had delivered to his nose, breaking it. 

And my brother. I had left him unharmed, but only so that his parents could watch in horror as I murdered him. They, I would leave alone, but I needed the children, all of the children. Then I realized that I had lived this before, from a different perspective. 

I was the demon, and my real body lay crumpled in a corner, useless and weak, passed out cold. I sneered at the thought of her waking up to stop me and walked over to my tools table, looking it over to see what I should use first. 

Grabbing a bone saw, I walked over to the trembling young boy and turned it on, holding it dangerously close to his leg. ¨We're gonna have some fun, huh Connor?¨ I snarled. I threw the saw down into his leg, cutting into his painfully, grinning gleefully at the screams all around me. 

The girl had yet to wake up, so I removed the saw and flicked it off, wiping the blade off on a dirty rag nearby, replacing the instrument with a helmet I had gotten recently and a handful of screws.

¨This is going to hurt. A lot. And you're gonna die, okay? But I need your sister to wake up, so I'm going to do it anyway.¨ I growled into his ear. I could hear the pleas and begs of his parents as I fastened the helmet to his head, tightening it as much as possible. 

¨Learned this one from my buddy Crowley.¨ I said. Then I took a screw and jammed it into one of the holes, twisting it into his skull with my superhuman strength. ¨See? Fun!¨ I shouted over the sound of the screaming. Tears streamed down his face as I cut into his skull, but not quite enough to damage his brain. 

And then I took another one, and inserted it into another hole, going along until I was five screws deep and he had either passed out or died of pain. Either way, the girl was beginning to stir in her corner.

I grinned gleefully and walked over, setting down the remaining screws as I went. I yanked her up by her arm, breaking her elbow accidentally. She was awake now, thrashing and kicking to try to get away from my grasp, but my grip was steel against her weak human bones.

I dragged her over to the chair resembling that of a dentist's and strapped her down, securing her legs, her arms, her waist, and most importantly, her head.  She couldn't move much anymore, and it was the perfect opportunity for me to step away again to my table and get my syringe, filled to the brim with a concoction of my own making: blood from Lucifer himself, taken from him one night as he slept, and angel's grace, from an archangel named... Michael .

Her mother cried out when I jammed it into her arm, and her body went limp--

*End Dream *

I woke up to Dean shaking me, yelling my name over and over again. I wiped my hair away from my face and saw that I was in a tangle of sheets on the ground, sweat covering my whole body. He pulled me out of my cocoon and helped me aback onto the bed, pulling up the comforter around us.

I burrowed into his chest, wanting to forget the horrible nightmare and just get some rest, but he spoke. ¨Amberly, you were kicking and screaming no, no, no, don't hurt him. Wh-What happened?¨ He asked. I sniffed, and held him closer.

¨I had a brother, you know.¨ I started. ¨He was my best friend. Younger than me, Connor and I got into all kinds of trouble until Dad told us about hunting. And then we sobered up a lot, and it was always only business, business, business. But one day, we snuck away to go play in the woods near out motel.¨ I sniffed again.

¨Stupid, I know, but we needed a break. At least, I thought we did. This man came up to us in a tree, and the next thing I know, Conner and I are in the back of a car, tied up and gagged. It was... horrible. The man knocked me out after a while because I asked too many questions, and the last thing I remember him saying was, 'We're gonna have some fun Connor. You and me. Maybe if your sister wakes up she can help fulfill the prophecy too.' and then I passed out.¨

¨When I woke up again, Connor was in a rusty chair near Mom and Dad, who were tied up too, with this metal thing on his head and screws sticking out of it. The man hauled me up by my elbow and shattered it, but all I could think of was getting away to check on Connor. My little brother.¨ My throat closed up, a giant lump forming. I swallowed it down, needing to get all of this out before it ate me alive.

¨There wasn't anything I could do to save him. He died that night, while the demon that took us pumped me full of God knows what and forced my parents to watch as he tortured me to the point of breaking. I shattered that night, and I haven't been the same sense. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and call out to him like I used to but... I can't. Because he's gone. And it's all my fault.¨ I had been stopping the tears from flowing the whole time that I was telling this story, but then I let them loose, let them run down my face and my chin and soak into Dean's shirt beneath me.

¨Dean, he-- He was only twelve. He was so young, and I... there was nothing I could do to stop it.¨ I sobbed uncontrollably, letting my emotions and tears take over my entire body as Dean held me close, whispering reassuring notions into my ear until I fell once more in a peaceful, dreamless sleep.  

Sad chapter, but it does help provide some backstory. Sorry, guys... 

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