Chapter Three

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I wore my blue dress. My mom always told me it brought out the colour of my eyes. Samael didn't tell me where we were going, he was keeping it a surprise. I didn't want to wear my jeans, I at least wanted to make an impression.

    I heard him honk his horn from outside. I peeked out from the corner of my window, making sure it was him. sitting outside my house was a bright yellow car, but it wasn't an ugly shade of yellow, this yellow made the car look a lot better. I couldn't stop staring at the car. It was beautiful.

I could see him sitting on his phone while he waited for me. The passenger side was on our side of the street, I didn't have to go on the road to get in. I wobbled down the path walking to his car.

My dad said he was going to fix it five years ago, but he never got around to it. He saw me walking towards his car, he quickly jumped out of his side, almost sliding over the front of the car just to open the door for me.

"Hello, Evangeline" he said so formal, he began standing like a butler. I know I only met him once and exchanged a few words, but he was seemed funny. He seems like a good guy. "Don't be so formal with me" I demanded, I stopped a meter away from him, "all my friends call me Eva". He looked devastated when I said that, it worried me.

"So, I'm just a friend?" he asked, holding his hand against his heart, "Am I in the friend zone this quickly?" he kept his straight face plastered, but I just laughed and flopped into his car. I underestimated how low it was. He made sure my dress was tucked in far from the door. I watched him swiftly walk back round to the driver's side, he entered the car so gracefully, at least he knows how low it is.

"Well, Eva, since I am currently in the friend zone, is it safe to say that you look absolutely beautiful tonight?" he asked, turning his body to face me, I noticed he hit his knee off the steering wheel just to look at me.

"I didn't say you were in the friend zone, you just assumed" I corrected him, he perked up in his seat, looking like a kid in a candy shop, "But, you never know how this date goes".

Samael didn't tell me where we were going, he just kept telling me that it was a surprise. He even drove all round town just to throw me off. I can't count how many time we passed Harry's Hardware's. I got tired of seeing that mustard color sign with the cartoon man holding a chainsaw. Such a boring sign.

His car was fast. Like Fast and Furious fast. I liked it. I was always used to being drove around in my dad's Honda Civic 2004, or Kimberly Fiat 500. Both drivers had terrible road rage.

"What kind of car is this?" I said loudly over the music he had playing. He looked in his mirror before turning the music down, at least he's a safe driver. "It's a Subaru BRZ, one of the newer models" he said while concentrating on the road in front. "I love it, especially the color" I exaggerated.

"It took three months for it to be made and shipped here, best birthday ever" he yelled in happiness, "I got it for my sixteenth birthday, I was the coolest kid in my town". I couldn't help but let out an ugly laugh at how happy he was about a car. But in fairness, the car is stunning.

    The interior especially. The letters BRZ were embroidered in yellow stitching on the back of the seats. Usually I wouldn't be attracted to this color, but I'd make an exception just for this car, because it is beautiful.

    "So, this car can go quite fast?" I asked, pretending I knew stuff about cars. He looked over to me with is eyebrows raised and a small smirk, "fast is an understatement" he said gripping the steering wheel, "But you aren't ready for that speed".


    Samael drove us to the river that flows around the perimeter of the town. No one was around, just us. Great. He offered to take my hand, guide me to where he was taking us. But now that I think and look around. I might just be getting murdered. Kimberly will be getting seriously haunted if I do get murdered.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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