"Fuck." I mutter, locking my phone.

"Well that could have gone better." She sniffles, wiping away some tears.

I look at my phone again to check the time, looking back up at her in confusion. "That was extremely fast. I thought it would take longer than that."

Opening up my arms, I wrap them around her and let her head fall onto my shoulder.

"He hung up on me halfway through me trying to explain everything. I should have done it in person."

"Well at least he knows now." I shrug.

"Yeah." She sniffles. "Now we can finally be together. Nothing is standing in our way now babe."

"Right..." I trail off, letting her snuggle into my chest more. "Nothing at all."


"This way!" The photographer shouts. "Hailey, look over here."

I tilt my body a different way to appease him so he'll stop shouting at me, letting out a sigh from how tired I am. I've had such a long day today at this shoot that all I want to do is just go home and drop.

After another twenty minutes or so, everyone finally decides to wrap up, so I excuse myself and head off into the dressing room. To my surprise Kendall is waiting for me with Starbucks in hand, causing me to let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaim, grabbing the cup gratefully from her. "I thought you were in Paris!"

"I decided to take an early flight back." She shrugged, a smile immediately coming onto her face. "I'm assuming you want to go out tonight?"

"Why would I want to go out tonight?" I ask as I pull a sweatshirt over my head.

"You didn't see the pictures? That's the whole reason I took an early flight back. No wonder you're in such a good mood."

She takes her phone out of her back pocket and scrolls to a picture of Justin and Selena at his house all over each other. I want to say that I'm surprised, but I'm really not. This is the cycle that I'm all too familiar with. The only difference is that I won't be there when she does something to fuck it up again and hurts his feelings.

"I don't care." I shrug, grabbing my purse off of the chair. "It doesn't matter to me."

"Please." She laughs. "Hails, you're not fooling anyone. Just because you've got Shawn doesn't mean you don't miss Justin."

"Shawn and I haven't seen each other in weeks. He's been doing tons of concerts lately. I mean we text all the time, but it's just not the same. Justin hasn't been on my mind lately, Shawn has. I miss him more than Justin at this point."

"Okay...." Kendall trails off, clearly not believing me. "Well whatever boy is on your mind I vote that we get totally hot tonight and make them both jealous as hell."


We haven't even gotten out of the car yet and there's already paparazzi surrounding us. I'm starting to feel anxious, my palms beginning to sweat as all of my nerves begin to stand on end. I honestly don't think I want to do this tonight.

"Kendall we should just go." I plead. "Let's just go back to my place and have a girls night."

"Hailey, no. We just spent two hours getting ready and you look drop dead gorgeous. I gave you my blank mini that gives you legs for days. There's no way we're turning back now. Just come on!"

She tugs me out of the car and the lights begin to blind me. I wrap my arm around her side until I hear this man shouting above everyone else.

"Hailey, where's Justin? Why haven't you been with him?"

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