Chapter Six.

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 I can't help but feel blessed as I stare into her eyes. It's like all of those fights in the past didn't matter. Everything felt perfect with her right on my lap, right where she should be. It's been too damn long since I've touched her. Since I've held her.

"I don't know what I'm going to tell Abel..." She sighs, nuzzling her head into my chest. "What is everyone going to think? I mean, we haven't been together in so long Justin. So much has happened between us. Once this goes viral...I don't know what will happen. People are going to think I'm such a whore."

"Baby..." I plead, tilting her chin up to look at me. "We are going to be just fine after you tell Abel. Who cares what anybody thinks? The bottom line is that we were young and didn't know what we were doing. Now that we're older there's nothing getting in our way. I'm serious. It's going to work out this time, Sel."

"If it's going to work out then things have to change Justin. If it weren't for me getting in that fight with Abel then I wouldn't have even come over last night. Now I'm just confused. I don't want there to be other girls in the picture. I don't want it to be like last-"

"There won't be any other girls." I immediately say. "I promise that there won't be."

"What about Hailey?" She asks.

I pause for a minute, taken back by her question. I haven't seen or spoken to Hailey in about two months. Her and Shawn are the new couple to talk about, so I guess she's pretty final in her decision to cut me out of her life.

"You don't have to worry about her anymore. We haven't been friends for awhile now."

Standing up to stretch my legs, I go over to the kitchen to get something to eat. She seems to be staring off into space on the couch until she slowly nods her head and goes to step out onto the patio.

"Paparazzi." I warn her. "They're everywhere. Just be careful."

"You're right." She sighs again, closing the patio door. "I should probably go and call Abel to explain everything before pictures of us get leaked. I just feel horrible."

"Don't feel horrible. Honestly he should have seen this coming anyway. You and I have always been a thing, Sel. Whether we've been official or not, people just know. You and I are always going to mean something to each other."

That causes her to smile as she walks over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. The smell of her hair comes into my nose, a smell I've missed for so long. Selena is the only girl I will ever be in love with. The only one that can make my heart feel like it's not in two.

"I feel like it's really going to work this time." She murmurs, pressing her lips against mine. I lean into her and can't help myself, my hands running down her body to get to the ends of her dress. I want her so badly. After last night I need more. I need all of her.

"Justin..." She giggles, pulling away slightly. "I need to go and call Abel. Then we can continue this after, alright?"

"Alright." I smirk. "I'll be waiting."

After she goes off into another room to make the call, I pull out my phone to check my Instagram. The first post I see is of Hailey and Shawn. I roll my eyes in frustration, clenching my jaw slightly. The fact that he destroyed our friendship entirely made my blood want to boil. We've been friends for years. It's almost as if I meant nothing to her at all.

Opening up my messages, I go to create a new one and stare at the blinking line as I think of what to type to her. Selena just told me to stay away from her. I should stay away from her. After I made her cry I can't imagine that she'd even want to talk to me anyways.

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