Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

POV ziva

When I saw Tim get down on one knee I couldn't even it was just beautiful. They are really meant to be together.

We all walked out of the restaurant tony and I congratulated Abby and Tim. Tim and Abby went to in Tim's car together. Then me and Tony looked at each other I had come with Tony in his car so I walked to his car with him holding hands. When I'm with tony I feel safe, protected, and Loved.

I don't think this day could get any better.

POV tony

I'm walking back to the car with ziva and I got her a present that I know she'll love. HER Star of David I found it in an abandon apartment and I wanted to give it back to her.

Also I wanted to ask her of she would be my girlfriend.

As we finally get to the car ziva leans up against the car I look into her beautiful brown eyes.

Tony: hey Zi I got a gift for you

Ziva: really what is it?(she smiles)

Tony:(takes Star of David out of his pocket) you left this so I could find you. And think you deserve it back.

Ziva: (eyes fill with tears of joy and smiles) tony I can't believe you still have this?

Tony: turn around so I could put it on you.

Ziva smiles and nods and tells me it's perfect

She turns around in her beautiful black dress and I look down at her and I kiss her.

POV ziva

Tony just have me the best present of all something I have had my whole life that I love so very much.

Then he leans in and kisses me I accept his kiss. It felt like we were in that parking lot forever I didn't want it to end.

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