chapter 2

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hell hath no fury

"I hate her."

"I hate him."

Betty and Jughead hate each other, but then suddenly, like the fires of hell burning up in their stomach, they snap.

What will they do? What will happen to the others around them? And what will happen in the aftermath?

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chapter 2


I was walking down the hallway towards my locker when I noticed Veronica come over to me, clearly with something she wanted to say she was barely holding it in.

"Hey there."

"Hey. What's up?" I asked, grabbing books out of my locker.

"Just wanted to check you hadn't gone blind or anything."


"Are you straight?"

"Veronica," I shouted lightly, as we were in a hallway full off people, "what the fuck are you on about?"

"Look. Look all around you," she says as we start to walk outside to meet the others.

"Yeah and?"

"Okay, come on," she says, pulling me into an empty classroom, "Jughead, you are a teenage boy, and just in case you didn't realize, that hallway is filled with girls that want you. You need to get some. Get them," she says, poking my chest harshly.

"Okay first of all, ow! Second, who says I'm not getting any?" I say smirking and walking out towards where the others were sitting outside. I could hear Veronica's heels coming after me, but I wasn't gonna wait up and explain myself to her. I'll explain myself to everyone at once when she tells them. Which she will.

"You aren't doing that again, are you?" she says, finally catching up to me as the table that the others were sat at was in earshot.

"Doing what?" Arch asks as I got to sit opposite him and Veronica takes a seat on his lap.

"Fucking the serpent girls," she says bluntly.

"Yeah okay, sure."

"Jug. Why?" Arch asks.

"I'd rather have the girls at this school think I'm a player than know I am, so I go to the Whyte Wyrm instead. And, you know, I'm their leader. Plus, serpent girls are badass as hell, and are so fearless when it comes to them wanting to sleep with you," I say going over my whole situation, even though they already knew some of it. "You know Arch, if you weren't with Veronica, I'd bring you to the bar with me and you could see for yourself what the girls there are like." For a split second I saw a hint of curiousity in Archie's eyes, as he looked down, shuffling underneath Ronnie. I smirked as I smiled down towards the ground, and just saw Veronica glare at me out of the corner of my eye. Like she thought he would seriously consider that. Archie would never do that to her.

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