"Because I read the papers and frankly, I don't think you'll last the week."

"I'll be fine," Tony assured.

"I'm sorry, with Happy in the hospital, I didn't know we were expecting guests," Pepper turned to Tony and Ada.

"We weren't," Ada mouthed.

"And old girlfriends."

"She's not, really..." Tony tried to convince. "No, not really. I-"

"It was just one night," Maya interrupted.


"That's how you did it, isn't it?"

"It was a great night."

"Yep. Well, you know. You saved yourself a world of pain."

"What?" Tony looked at Pepper.

"I'm sure."

"Oh my god, someone kill me now," Ada spoke loud enough so only she could hear it.

"Trust me. We're going out of town. Okay. We've been through this."



"The man says no."

"Immediately and indefinitely."


"Great idea. Let's go," Maya grabbed one of Pepper's bags.

"I'm sorry, that's a terrible idea. Please don't touch her bags," Tony looked at Maya.

"This is how normal people behave," Pepper began arguing again.

"I can't protect you out there."

"Is... Is that normal?" Maya asked Ada as she pointed at the bunny in the corner.

"Don't ask me. I just moved back here after being missing for 5 years."

"Sadly, that is very normal," Pepper asked.

"Yes, this is normal! It's a big bunny. Relax about it!"

"Calm down."

"I got this for you."

"I'm aware of that."

"You still haven't even told me you liked it."

"I don't like it."

"Oh my god, I really want to die right now," Ada groaned in frustration.

"I asked you three... You don't like it."

"We are leaving the house."

"Guys?" Maya tried to get their attention.

Ada looked to the TV to see helicopters coming for their house.

"That's not even up for discussion."

"Can we, um..." Ada stuttered.

"I said no."

"What?" Tony looked at Maya and Ada, ending his and Pepper's argument.

"Do we need to worry about that?" Maya asked.

The next thing Ada knew, an explosion went off and she was thrown back and into a wall. She felt her head hurt, but other than that she felt fine. She saw Pepper had been protected by the armor, while Tony laid on the ground a few yards away. Maya was unconscious. The roof started to crumble and collapse on Tony, but Pepper was there to save him.

"I got you."

"I got you first. Like I said, we can't stay here," Tony sat up.

Ada stood up, but when she looked down she saw her fingernails replaced with claws. She felt her canines start to grow in her mouth.

"Dad?" she called out.

He looked at her with wide eyes.

Another missile went off, splitting Pepper away from Tony and Ada.

"Move!" Tony ordered Pepper. "We're right behind you."

The two Starks ran forward, but the floor caved in before they could make it.

"Get her. We'll find a way around," Tony assured. "Stop stopping. Get her. Get outside. Go!"

Pepper picked up Maya and made her way out.  Another missile went off, and the ground shook beneath them. Again it happened, and the two Starks fell to the ground and slid towards the glass windows. Tony was lucky enough to catch a beam, but Ada broke through the glass and caught onto the balcony.

"Sir, Ms Potts is clear of the structure," JARVIS notified.

Ada forgot about her earpiece, and she was thankful she had it. Ada leapt up and grabbed onto the beam Tony was. Tony made a hand gesture and the suit slowly came to him. Their attackers began to fire a machine gun at them. Tony crawled across the floor to get to his suit. Ada cried out in pain as a bullet pierced her left shoulder. She stood and hid behind the beam. More missiles were fired.  

"JARVIS, where's my flight power?"

"Working on it, sir. This is a prototype."

Ada looked and saw the piano sliding towards her dad.

"Dad the piano!"

Tony looked at it and moved while it headed for Ada. She jumped out of the way, while Tony fired at it, causing it to take out one of the helicopters.

"That's one."

"Sir, the suit is not combat ready."

Ada ran for the fire place and hid in it. However, bullets quickly began to make their way towards it. Tony threw a device at another helicopter and fired at it, causing that one to blow up.

"That's two."

The helicopter flew into the house. Ada and Tony both jumped down into the garage. Ada looked around and saw DUMMY and another robot on the floor. She felt a growl escape her throat as anger bubbled inside of her. Two more missiles made their way into the mansion, causing all of Tony's suits to blow up.  Ada clung on to a cable, while Tony fell with the rest of the house.

"Dad!" she cried out.

Tears fell down her face as she looked around her. She suddenly felt very weak and began falling herself. She collapsed into the water as blackness consumed her.

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