I did what I was told and walked in as I sensed a very strong bloodlust in the air, I wasn't scared at all I mean have you felt Kurama's? Like holy crap now that was terrifying, I never wanted to feel it again, to me their bloodlust is very inferior to Kurama's. 'Why thank you.'

*Ahem* But when I walked in nobody noticed me at all like, seriously, can't they sense me, like even a little bit? If your wondering why they didn't hear my footsteps was because I've gotten used to walking silently, it was to escape the villagers whenever it was my birthday and I was personally taught by Kurama


He made it the most horrible training ever, the first time he taught me, I couldn't move at all because I was dead tired. 'Yup~ those were the days' Kura said snickering 'It was not funny Kurama, you were super sadistic back in the days' I heard his laughter when I said those words.

Hisoka Pov~

I was looking at the contestants when suddenly, I sensed a very weak life form walking in so I turned to see a blonde little girl with her hair up in twin tails, settling in at a corner. Then she suddenly turned around and her eyes met mine for a moment before going back to whatever she was doing.

How does she not have nen surrounding her, either she already mastered it and is hiding it or something else. Everybody has nen, even those who don't know of it. They will still have traces of nen but this girl has nothing.

Hmm interesting~ I licked my lips at the delight of this fruit ripening. I then turned away to look for other potential people.

Back to Naruko's Pov~

I settled down at a corner and I felt someone's eyes staring at me so I turned around and my eyes met with a joker, his hair was a bright red like my mother's hair but darker, at the bottom of left eye has a teardrop tattoo? sticker?

His right eye has a star, his eyes are a golden yellow in colour, interesting he sensed my presence like finally someone noticed me I than turned around trying to blend in with the shadows at the corner like a true shinobi, I've always wanted to try the technique on other people, specifically the civilians

Everyone in here are guys and I am the only girl so it was extremely awkward for me, not only that but none of them are looking around my age either, they were either muscular, scary looking or have looks like they can kill you with a snap of a finger while I look cute, weak and fragile but looks can be deceiving.

'Pfffft Cute?!' 'Shut up! I am cute!"

I began to feel the ship moving, looking like we were going somewhere, then I heard screams of encouragement to someone? When at the exact same moment of time I saw a boy with dark green spiky hair, and the most large and innocent looking brown coloured eye saying his goodbyes to so many people.

'Kit I must warn you that taking the exams won't be that easy, and don't trust people that easily' 'Yeah yeah I will Kura' While I was talking to Kura I heard seagulls flying around and was wondering what it was doing. I saw the captain? I believe. (DATTEBAYO!!!)

Because he was wearing a captain's cap, and he looks to be drinking some sake as his nose is red. The boy and the captain looked up at the seagulls and I heard the boy say "There is a storm coming up." I saw the captain look back down to the boy and said to him "And how exactly do you know that."

The boy then said something about the seagulls saying something if I didn't hear wrongly, he also climbed up on to a very tall thing, it looks like it is to see further and I could hear him take a deep breath and he said "There is a really big one coming right for us. Trust me I can tell by the way it smells." And the captain just stared at him, his eyes changing, at first he was curious but then it changed and it looked like he knew the boy.

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