Chapter II

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(Your POV)

Darkness is all that you could see around you, well maybe not see but you get the idea you could feel that you were in an ever-expanding room all around you not that you could really see anything, to begin with.  "You know I understand why you did what you did for my son, he wasn't ready for what was out there... but he made it to Elysium" I turn and see a rather slim man with the body of that of a professional runner, he had sandy blonde hair bright blue eyes and winged slippers upon his feet. "Lord Hermes I am truly sorry about what happened with Luke, I wasn't able to make it back to the campsite in time." upon bowing down to the God with far too many job descriptions he waves his hand absently. "There's no need for the formality here kid, I just wanted to thank you for making sure Luke passed on peacefully, I made sure to return his body to Camp Half-Blood along with informing Chiron that you were in safeish hands." wait did he say safeish? "I just wanted to pop into your comatose head to offer my thanks along with my blessing, may you move as silently as a thief in the night and as quickly as an Olympic-level athlete." As the messenger god flashed away in my head I began to feel my eyes flutter open and light poured in.

Once my eyes had fully adjusted to the light I peered around my environment, I was in some sort of medical wing beginning to sit up I was suddenly stopped by some sort of restraint.  Looking down I was tied to a cot with no way to break free from my bindings, peering over to my left I saw a glass of what appeared to be water, it was then that I noticed I had grown quite parched from however long I was knocked out and began to reach over to grab the tall glass of life-saving liquid which appeared to be just out of reach.  Right before I reached the glass another hand appeared and took it right in front of me, I peered up and was met with a gaze of what can only be described as Lightning blue eyes.  "You lost a lot of blood there kid I'm surprised that you're even conscious, you've been out like a light for 3 days and to be quite frank we weren't even sure if you were gonna survive" as she said these things the lady in front of me put the glass to my lips where I had began to guzzle down the cool liquid, after a moment of drinking I finally spoke in a rather hoarse and rough voice, "Is Olivia okay? did you save her" at the mention of the daughter of apollo the woman stared down at me with a deep sadness in her eyes. "I am sorry to inform you that we were unable to save her... however we gave her the highest honor that we could for her burial" upon hearing the news of her death I felt something break within me, she's... dead after everything that I did to save her shes gone, just like Luke I felt my eyes water and the grief took place.  One of the only friends I had ever had at that place, my surrogate sister my mentor she's gone and I can't do anything about it, "you're pathetic sitting there crying like that, why even bother if you're going to just sit there and do nothing it should have been you who croaked at least that Apollo girl was worth something" I'm not surprised I hear him, of course, he'd be here to torment me.

"I am sorry that your friend died but I do need to tell you something, you are currently being taken care of by the Hunters of Artemis, and well to put it rather bluntly, you need to stay with us.  Those monsters that attacked you and your group did some rather nasty damage to you and frankly, you wouldn't make it 5 miles out there in the woods." upon hearing what the woman told me I froze up, I was weeks away from camp too injured to travel on my own surrounded by some of the most man-hating people in this world and I have no choice but to stay with them, the fates really are having a laugh at my expense.  "Was Olivia's stuff buried with her Mrs. uhhh, I'm sorry I don't believe I caught your name." the woman stared down at me with an unreadable expression on her face, "It's Thalia, and please don't call me Mrs. it makes me feel old." I give a slight chuckle at this and stare up to meet her eyes. "My name is (Y/N) Thalia it's a pleasure to meet you, now if you don't mind me asking could you please remove these bindings?" "Oh that's not my call to make you'll have to speak with the head woman in charge." wait head woman in charge does she mean... before I could finish my thought a tent flap opened and a small girl entered, she looked to be about 12 or 14 years old had a deep auburn hair wrapped back in a ponytail and had piercing silver eyes that looked like that of a mighty predator.

(Artemis POV)

After hearing the male had awoken from his coma I headed straight over to the medical tent in order to have a meeting with him, once I entered the tent I see that Thalia had been standing next to the restrained boy.  "I am the Goddess Artemis my domain is that of the moon and the hunt, I will speak this once and only once so I expect you to listen carefully "boy" you are far too injured to make the trek back to your camp on your own, so in exchange for us leading you there and offering protection against the increasingly more prevalent monster attacks you will remain with us, however, if catch so much as a HINT that you are trying to seduce, solicit, and or take advantage of any of my hunters I will bring upon you a swift and brutal end do you understand me?" "Absolutely Lady Artemis I would not dream of doing anything so disgusting or foul, however, I must ask what will I be doing exactly in order to remain with this hunt, as I imagine that traveling with someone who does not pull their weight wouldn't exactly go over well with the rest of the hunters." This boy is certainly smarter than most seeing that he understands this isn't a charity, "Well since you asked your responsibility will be that of doing the menial and otherwise time-consuming chores around the camp, which would also entail washing dishes, laundry, sharpening arrows, cooking, feeding the wolves that provide protection to this place along with going into civilization in order to pick up supplies." upon hearing this I had expected the male to complain and moan and talk about how unfair it is that he has to do the hard work just as any child would complain, however, he simply just nodded his head in understanding before he asked if he was able to be freed of his restraints.

Once the male was freed he was given some simple clothing consisting of a pair of jeans and a pair of boots along with an undershirt and jacket.  Leaving him to dress me and Thalia began to walk back to my main tent. "Tell me, Thalia, how did the male act upon hearing of his companions' death." "My Lady he bawled like a child, he truly appeared to care for that girl" upon hearing of his grief I couldn't help be feel similarly that girl would have made a great addition to the hunt.  Upon reaching my tent I called out to my girls to come and sit so we can discuss the elephant in the room for lack of a better term. "Hunters I have gathered you all here in order to discuss a change that is happening within our camp, from today on until we reach close to camp half-blood we will have a male among us." as the words left my mouth I heard numerous groans and many other frustrated murmurings.  "However, do not view this as me going back upon my law of not allowing men within the hunt no, I am doing this simply as a favor to Chiron, he has specifically asked me to return the male safely to camp as he has already lost 2 campers and his heart couldn't take loosing a third at this time." Upon hearing the reasoning many of the Hunters nodded in agreement as they all had a deep respect for Chiron. "Also during this time, the male will be taking care of all boring chores so you all will have more free time to practice your craft of archery along with other hobbies. I also ask you to not hesitate to come to me if the boy does something to you for I will punish him swiftly for many of my older hunters I am sure that you remember Orion and I will never allow that to happen again."  Once the meeting was done many of the girls walked away to proceed back to whatever they were doing.  I then proceed to return to doing my duties as a goddess knowing that Thalia will take care of whatever will happen back at the camp.

Male Reader x Artemis Goddess of the HuntWhere stories live. Discover now