Chapter 5

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I awoke to pain.

It was numb, at first, but the more I began to perceive around me, the more pain I was aware of in my own body. It felt as if I had been laying on hot coals, or had been blasted by boiling steam. I could only whimper, biting back tears as I cautiously looked around.

This was no afterlife, or some form of spirit realm. You don't feel pain when you're dead, because you lack a physical body.

And you certainly don't end up in very high class apartments either. The decor around me is modern, the bed I currently lay in adorned with dark blue sheets. I squirm despite the pain, slipping myself over the edge and to the floor. As soon as my feet hit the floor, a wave of intense nausea hits my frame. I cling to the bed, suppressing the urge to vomit while covering my mouth with one hand. I slide down to sit on the floor weakly, burdened by mortal form. The edge of the bed seems a little far above my head, and when I look at my hand that still clings to the sheets, I understand why.

I'm a child again, just as most of my days seem to have been spent.

A loud, rasping cough shakes me, echoing in my body and jolting my already strained nerves with the spasming. I let go of the sheets, lacking the strength to continue holding on, and just lay on the floor. When the coughing finally subsides, I push myself up enough to crawl slowly towards the door. Wherever this is, it's probably not safe for me to be here. Especially not in this state, of which cause I don't know.

I don't make it to the awaiting door on the other side of the bed, but I'm able to see an open section of the apartment. I can only spy a sliver of the kitchen and dining table, as most of my view is suddenly blocked by a rather fancy pair of shoes. Men's business shoes, but I've modeled enough times to know the difference between machine made and custom made. These are definitely custom made shoes.

"What are you doing, silly boy? You're in no state to be moving around."

Why do I know that voice?

Are those your last words?

Oh. Oh heavens no. I lift my head to spot that face, which isn't as difficult since he's crouched down. I feel weaker than ever, staring at those eyes, which have lost all of the cold ice of before. This a kind, though indifferent, man. I stare at him bleakly.

"I'm not dead, am I?"

My voice is only slightly higher as a child, but it cracks and wavers unnaturally. Whatever this burning and nausea is from, it's not a good thing.


Strength leaves my body altogether, and my head falls to the floor. I cannot imagine why he would not kill me, having scene what I have done with his own eyes. The only reasons I can think of, despite the cold being gone from those eyes, are all a fate worse than death.

"What do you want from me?"


"... Liar."

"I'm not lying."

So he knows Chinese. It doesn't make me feel any better, only adding to the sick feeling in my gut.

"Or maybe I am..."

Large hands scoop me up off of the floor, and I'm suddenly held aloft in the air by under my arms. I feel rather pathetic, helpless to this stronger being. My tail doesn't even twitch, hanging limply.

"Perhaps it won't be so lonely with a child around."

"... I'm not a child."

"So the other form is the real you, as I thought."

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