Chapter 4: Arche-Mage

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 The two went to the forest in search of a monster for Yumi.

"We haven't found any monsters that interests me. This was harder than I thought." Yumi said sighing.

"I think we are still in the low level areas, maybe that's why there are no promising ones." Yuri said walking.

"The next monster we encounter, I will catch it!" She said lifting her fist up.

"Don't be spontaneous like that. Your first monster will determine how you battle so choose wisely".

They suddenly heard a loud bang not far from their location. Both of them we're shocked by the sound but immediately ran towards the explosion. Arriving at the scene, they saw a girl wielding a bow that also looks like a staff. She is facing a harpy.

"I think that harpy is not a normal monster." Yuri said looking at it from a distance. 

The harpy has golden feathers that grows around its arms and legs. its body is covered in silver fur. 

"Should we help her?" Yumi asked.

"Hmm. let's spectate for a while. If she needs help we'll jump in".

I don't think she's in trouble. The harpy is on guard while she is pretty calm. 

The girl started to move. She ran towards the harpy. It flew up and shot feathers at her but she evades it quite easily. Right after evading, she pulled her bow string and shot an arrow to the harpy. It evaded but she has already released another arrow and pierced it. The harpy fell hard on the ground. As the harpy looks around it sees the girl, now holding her bow like a staff. Her eyes are closed and seems to be mumbling words. The girl glows with magic and unleashes her spell. An ice dragon appeared and hit the harpy with full force.

As the mist from the explosion disappeared. They saw the harpy frozen solid. She then again held her staff like a bow and pulled back the string aiming at the frozen harpy.

"WAAAAAAAAAIT!!!!!!!" Yumi shouted, running towards her.

She then pointed her bow at Yumi and then jumped backwards. "Who are you?" she asked.

"I'm Ayumi, and you?" she answered catching her breathe.

"I'm Madia." she answered briefly

"And I'm Ayuri, her brother" He interrupted, walking out from the bushes.

Madia immediately pointed her bow to Ayuri. He raised his hands to show that he means no harm.

"We are not here to fight you. Though we would like to ask for a favor." Ayuri said.

Madia lowered her bow. "A favor?" she asked. Confused.

"Well, you see, my sister here is some kind of a tamer. She can tame monsters and summon them as she wishes." He explained. "So if you would be so kind to let my sister tame this harpy" he proposed.

"I think this harpy is quite rare, it's loots may come handy. So why would I give it to you?" Madia asked.

"We can form a party if you like. We can support you until we find another harpy to replace the one we tamed." Ayuri then activated his skill Healing Pulse.

It healed Madia's wounds and is quite impressed.

"So you're a support player huh? Interesting" She said smiling.

"Well, having a healer in a party is crucial so I accept the deal" she said then putting her hands on her waist smiling.

"YAY!!!! Now let me start." She activated Capture. Golden threads starts to appear from her hands. She then entangled the frozen harpy with it and squeezed. It then shattered into dust like substance. Her threads collected it and absorbed all the dust.

"Ok I'm done" She said walking back towards the two.

"You have an interesting skill." Madia said impressed.

"Thanks! You as well, you can change from being an archer to a mage and then vice versa. That is actually REALLY REALLY REALLY amazing!" she said with so much enthusiasm. "Unlike my brother here who chose to be a healer." Frowning at her brother.

"A healer is the heart of the party. Without it the group wont survive. Always remember that." Madia said.

"Heh, thanks. Though all players know that, my sister here is not that much of a player. She just tried this out out of curiosity." 

"Well for just a curious player, she has quite a good skill." 

"Thanks! hihi" Ayumi said flattered.

"Come on, I know that before forming a party, we need to form a pact in a certain place at the village." Madia said

the two nodded and followed Madia.

"I didn't know about forming a pact. Come to think of it, I haven't seen a party icon in the menu. Maybe I was not looking hard enough when I roamed the village."  Ayuri thought to himself.

They arrived at Shorehall and still followed Madia. They arrived at a shrine like place. It is not that grand but it has a statue of someone dressed in silk and has wings as its ears.

"We're here" Madia said looking at the statue.


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