Chapter: 46

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Song for this Chapter: Want You Back; 5 Seconds of Summer

Chapter: 46

Saturday; February 6, 2021


"Hey! I'm glad you came mate," I smile greeting Zayn as he enters my apartment. Feels like forever since I've seen him. "You're early the party doesn't start until later."

"I wanted to help. Does anyone else know I'm back?" Zayn smiles. He has disappeared with his money since now he has a lot. He's like Niall but Niall loves to work, he loves to help people. Zayn wanted to travel and see the world.

"No, this is a surprise for everyone else. But Ash does know," I point over as Ash smiles appearing from behind him.


"Hey sweetheart," he smiles at her. "How you been?"

"Good, you?"
"Better now," he laughs and gives her a hug.

Throughout the day we ate lunch then got everything for the party. We ordered pizza and Chinese food. The first ones to arrive were Niall and Rachel as he has gone to pick her up.

"Zayn you're back!" She squeals and hugs him tight making him laugh.

"I never been missed this much before," he chuckles hugging her then pulls back.

"Welcome back mate," Niall greets him. "You have a place to stay in?"

"Duh, I got my own apartment. Maybe I'll throw a party next time," Zayn grins.

"Bruh, why didn't you say this? Probably your apartment is fancier than this," I add as I take a sip of my beer.

"I'm the guest that's why," Zayn laughs and grabs a beer for himself.

A couple of friends later joins us then Savannah. She asks me to make her one of my famous alcohol drinks.

"You alright?" I frown as I watch her sad expression as she then takes a sip of her drink.

"Yeah, I'm perfect," she chuckles then walks over to the girls. Liam and Alexa then join us as well and Rachel puts up the music as they all start dancing.

"Guess what?" Liam grins as he leans against the counter.

"What lad?" I chuckle chugging my beer down.

"Alexa is my girlfriend."

I then spit out what was left to swallow and choke.

"He's okay!" Liam laughs as everyone around stare at me. I nod rubbing my throat as I let out a breath.

"You trying to kill me?"

"I was just telling you good news geez."

"Eeek!" We look over at the girls as Alexa smiles looking at Liam. I'm guessing she told them the news.

"Hey this calls for a toast!" Ash says as she raises her glass. "To the new happy couple," she smirks smiling at both Alexa and Liam. Liam blushes as he lifts up his glass.

"You guys are so cheesy," I laugh but raise my beer and we all clink glasses then take a sip.

The doorbell rings and Niall opens it as Edward and Harry make their way inside. I notice the tension between Savannah and Edward. I knew something was going on between these two. They are so obvious.

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