Chapter: 1

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Welcome once again :) enjoy the first chapter

Just letting you know, the songs of my playlist that will be put in certain chapters do have a meaning to the chapter, I love working with songs as they help me come up with some plots and such :)


Song for this Chapter: Preacher Man; The Driver Era

Chapter: 1

The footsteps make a crunching sound every second they step onto the concrete ground. The quietness is fulfilled except for the boots making their way against the sidewalk.

The post lights flicker, and the moon reflects the shadow of the man in skinny jeans and black coat along with his boots.

His curls manage to stick out as he tucks them behind his ear. His hands find their way inside his coat as the night breeze becomes chilly.

He finally reaches the church. Slowly making his way inside as the janitor mops the floor.

"Boy it's late," the old man rasps out. He coughs into his fist as he can hardly stand.

"Father William is expecting me," was the response.

The old man glares at him and walks off without saying another word.

The young man smiles and makes his way down the aisle towards the back as he takes a seat by the confession stand.

"Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It has been over a month, since my last confession."

"Go on son, what do you need to confess?" The priest continues. The barrier between them doesn't let the other see one another as only words are heard from the other side.

"I have done it again. I cheated on my girlfriend, and it wasn't with the girl I'm in love with."

The priest sighs as he listens.

"I gone out partying with a couple of friends I made on orientation. We went to strip clubs, and got drunk. Worst part doesn't end there."

"What else happened son?"

"I remember a friend bringing us prostitutes."

The priest's eyes widen.

"That is beyond wrong son."

"I know... but that's not it. Umm I was so drunk I don't remember much, but I know she was older. Something happened with us, I woke up in an empty hotel room. My clothes scattered everywhere."

"Oh Lord."

"I feel horrible!"

"You have a girlfriend, but yet you say you're in love with another girl, then you do this stuff? That's not love."

"I know father, I am slowly breaking myself. I can't control it. I do things I end up regretting the next day. Ash doesn't deserve me."

"You're going to have to think what you want to do. If you don't feel anything for her, why are you hurting her this way? You have to be honest with her."

"And Savannah... she's with my brother," he sighs. "I thought I forgot about her, but every time I see them together, my blood boils."

"Jealousy is not a good thing."

Trouble Follows (H.S) [Book 2] ✔Where stories live. Discover now